Thursday, May 20, 2021

Tweets Of the Day


Anonymous said...

Imagine the other way around. Imagine a white person would say this, denying access to other races in such ghoulish manner
Their lives would be destroyed, they'd be chased out of town and their family would disavow them

But.. being a black radical Democrat, I'm sure nothing happens to this racist and despicable monster

And as election thievery goes unchecked she'll remain Democrat mayor for life.. and then the dumb, the weak the clueless among us Erik say no no she's a proper mayor, fairly elected, no corruption here

Yeah right, Fred.

You cannot have protected classes or evil spreads as there's no punishment mechanism

Anonymous said...

Black women also pulled out thousands of election ballots in the middle of the night after telling ballot watchers to go home.
All on video. No court dared to touch it.

If you don't stand up for justice now, your rights will be further and further eroded.

They say they fight for equality but their actions show they want to suppress you and take your rights. Every day.

When will you say enough?
Your sacred vote doesn't count
You're replaced by illegal immigrants
You cannot criticize them
You cannot interview them
Soon you're not allowed to speak or be in a room with them

You know.. justice.. lol
Brought to you by pedo Fred

Anonymous said...

@709am pedo Fred Lapides/ typical Demoncrat

A. I didn't vote for Trump

B. I watched the footage of the ballot boxes being pulled out at night after poll watchers were told to go home with my own eyes. Have you? Of course not. You're scared of admitting your mistakes

As long as Democrats can count on perverts and criminals and illegals and the corrupt to help them, the tyranny and destruction in the US will only accelerate

And why do Democrats panick when you want to check the ballots for signatures? If you've got nothing to hide, then why the aggression?

Anonymous said...

No, believing anything is your game.