Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Unrest In Colombia Over Pandemic Tax Reform Grows Into Major Anti-Government Protests That Have Claimed 19 Lives And Wounded Hundreds


Irish Times: Days of pandemic-linked protests in Colombia leave 19 dead 

Anger at tax proposal morphed into wider unrest and was met by heavy-handed police response 

The dead include a ninth-grader who went out to protest with his brother; an artist shot in the head as cameras rolled; and a teenager whose mother’s anguished cries of grief – “son, I want to be with you!” – have been shared thousands of times online. 

At least 19 people were killed and hundreds more injured during days of protests across Colombia, in which tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets to demonstrate against a tax overhaul meant to fill a pandemic-related fiscal hole.  

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More News On The Unrest In Colombia  

Colombia backs off pandemic tax overhaul after deadly protests. -- NYTimes  

More anti-government protests in Colombia after deadly clashes -- France 24  

Colombia blames armed groups for deadly protest violence -- NYPost  

‘Stop the massacre’: Colombia tax protests continue after more than a dozen people DIE in clashes with police -- RT  

UN, EU call for calm at Colombia protests, warn of excessive force -- Reuters  

Explosion Of Violence Is A Major Threat To Colombia's Oil Industry -- OilPrice.com

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