Wednesday, May 19, 2021

U.S. Postpones Ban On Trading Chinese Stocks With Military Ties

Jason Lee, Reuters CNBC: U.S. postpones ban on trading Chinese stocks with alleged military ties 

* The U.S. Treasury said Tuesday it was postponing a ban on trading shares of companies with alleged links to the Chinese military. 

* The new restrictions take effect June 11, versus the prior date of May 27. 

 * The move by U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration extends a grace period for investors to comply with an investment ban first announced in November under former President Donald Trump. 

BEIJING — The U.S. Treasury said Tuesday it was postponing a ban on trading shares of companies with alleged links to the Chinese military. 

The new restrictions take effect June 11, versus the prior date of May 27. 

The move by U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration extends a grace period for investors to comply with an investment ban first announced in November under former President Donald Trump. 

Only a handful of the names, mostly state-owned companies, are traded in the U.S.  

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WNU Editor: A two week delay. From the Chinese point of view, this means nothing.


Anonymous said...

They extended the grace period. When it comers to government edicts, I appreciate grace periods.

Why extend a grace period by 2 weeks for an already length grace period? Did someone not get the memo? Were they counting an President Asterisk and his merry band of grifters to make everything right and roll back any and every thing Trump did? I think the latter is true. They are bunch venal idiots blissfully waltzing down a forest path, which has 1 hungry mount lion per square mile.

Who are the idiots, who need a do over? CALPERS?

Anonymous said...

Leadership. Biden/Harris style.