Wednesday, May 19, 2021

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib Confronts Pressident Biden On An Airport Tarmac To Express Her Dissatisfaction With The U.S. Response To The Israel - Hamas War


USA Today: Tlaib meets with Biden on Israeli-Palestinian conflict ahead of Ford visit 

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Detroit, met briefly with President Joe Biden in Michigan on Tuesday morning, telling him the U.S. must take steps to address violence and human rights abuses against Palestinians by Israelis. 

"Palestinian human rights are not a bargaining chip and must be protected, not negotiated," Tlaib's office said the congresswoman told the president.

Tlaib, who met with Biden along with U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn, at Detroit Metro Airport, made the comments following a spike in violence in the Middle East over the last week, with rocket attacks, beatings and other fighting leading to the deaths of more than 200 people.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Republicans are taking advantage of the situation .... Republican resolution supporting Israel signals growing divide with Democrats (The Hill) 

More News On Democrat Divisions On The Israel - Gaza War  

Rep. Tlaib Pushes Biden To Protect At-Risk Palestinians In Middle East Conflict -- NPR  

Biden promises to keep Rashida Tlaib’s West Bank family safe after she accused him of ‘taking orders’ from Israel -- The Independent  

Tlaib Confronts Biden on Israel, Saying Support Enables Crimes Against Palestinians -- New York Times 

Biden is increasingly at odds with other Democrats over Israel -- Washington Post  

Rep. Tlaib Pushes Biden To Protect At-Risk Palestinians In Middle East Conflict -- NPR  

House Democrats block consideration of bill sanctioning Hamas financial supporters -- FOX News 

Democrats back off demand that Biden delay U.S. arms sale to Israel -- Yahoo News


Anonymous said...

It is not surprising that Rabid Tlaib would attack Biden. She attacked a Trump rally in 2016. During that rally she looked ebullient and high energy. Maybe she though she was trying out for a cheerleading squad or porn video. Or maybe she just likes watching her boobs bounce.

At any rate she felt entitled to disrupt a large gathering and do whatever she wanted.

Joe Biden should sue. He got cheated. He did not get the bouncing boob treatment. As grabby he is, he must be miffed.

WATCH: Screaming Rashida Tlaib physically removed from 2016 Trump event

And the ghouls at Youtube removed the video.

Anonymous said...

Women are the future!!!! Especially the violent corrupt ones like

Maxine Waters who promoted on multiple occasions violence in your streets and the attacking of Republicans. She also attacked Coe principles of western civilisation like the presumption of innocence, due process etc... oh and so did AOC and that lady in the picture

Kamala Harris too suggested that the violence should go on, that they"shouldn't stop"

I'm not even going to address that witch Clinton who attacked women, lied on hundreds of occasions, brought us Bengazi etc etc had her mail server in the basement omfg and then lied about the destruction of evidence

Women are not the future

They've proven themselves to be worse than men.

Prime minister of south Korea.. first female prime minister.. so corrupt she's now in prison

Merkel that beauty almost single handedly destroyed the EU, brought us Brexit, brought us almost Grexit, imported 1men refugees against the will of the population, had no plan to address the situation and when the taping and murdering started she instructed local Serbs federal police to underreported the attacks on German women. You know.. feminism.. justice


Women at the office when they go to war with each other is another beautiful thing. I was in such a corporation. One of the best in the world. The women there were constantly fighting and managed to bring down 3 students of the company, fck up a major release and on and on. It got so toxic that I left.

That's women.
Be honest.

Anonymous said...

Not 3 students but 3 departments

Anonymous said...

And the current often cited rise of women in the workplace and at universities is largely based on the discrimination of men (men are toxic, hire more women schemes etc etc) and the fact that many men have realised what universities are.. indoctrination places (except for stem and math which are still largely men dominated)...

Anonymous said...

Also fun fact of what's happening biologically

By entering the workforce, especially more competitive workforce like office jobs in a major city, women start to produce more testosterone, which is great in one way, BUT what also happens is that this hormone production turns them ugly Haha I kid you not.. it is very noticeable after 5-10 years.. they become childless and turn sociopathic... just look at all women you know in leadership and name one that's not completely insane

Have you looked at Pelosi and Maxine? Taliban? They look absolutely crazy. I'd not leave my children alone with these ghoulish demons

Anonymous said...

I, too, am scared by women.

Anonymous said...

What I personally find most dangerous is that we create a two-tier system... one for women and other protected classes and one for white straight men. Gays, trans, women, ethnic minorities -- all protected! (oh by the way, those who travel and who have been to countries where white people are the minority will notice one thing: they are NOT protected in any country)

We have created a system where lies (the preferred weapon of women) are legal and fisticuffs are outlawed. We have created a system in which wealth transfer from men to women takes place on a daily basis in marriages. Just look at Melinda Gates.. without Bill Gates this woman would have never been a mark in history. NOW she wants a divorce and in her book she writes that being "empowered" means being divorced - that's the ultimate step of empowerement. Gates has no prenup, she will get BILLIONS(!), likely tens of billions... rendering her the richest woman over night.. think that's rare? Just google largest divorce payout, those in the hundreds of millions don't even break the top 10.

We created a nightmare of a system, in which we promoted women ahead of men (no matter of the cost to those men who end up unemployed even though they have more experience and skill in that very same field)... and then, get this, those women who we helped to get to the top then not say "thank you", but talk about a future in which women dominate, a tyranical patriarchy that needs to be dismantled and on and on...

We have created a system in which every Ad on TV, every televivision show, every movie depicts men as violent and more importantly incompetent and dumb.. .look at the simpsons, look at family guy, american dad.. all these cartoons depict men as dumb entitled idiots and the women as smart, great and so not deserving of their men (Lisa Simpson, Marge.. etc).. it's EVERYWHERE and has been going on for decades.

And NONE of the women stand up for us men.. they GO ALONG with this most unjust transfer of wealht and holding back of men. AND THEN, get this.. birth rates plunge, depression rises (among men AND women) and no one wants to talk about what's happening, the demons like Pelosi and Maxine who manipulte democracy, use terror in your streets to accomplish their wicked goals...

IF the future is female, we will see the end of mankind (and I don't mean the end of men)

In 40 years, the replacement level of births in the US will be so low that you will go from currently 370 million to 200 million in just 3 decades, while China will be at 2billion.

Good luck with this experiment. IF you go along with this failed experiment of female leadership based on lies and holding back another gender, then you bear guilt in this too. Women are less happy. Men are less happy. WTF are we trying to do here and why?

Who was the one who called for more violence in the streets,after already dozend dead, billions of damages? Why Maxine Waters (D), a protected black woman. A LAW MAKER!!! called for the outcome of the legal process in her favour OR ELSE!(violence!!!)

OMFG wake up and look at all the corruption scandals surrounding women. Name one, just one female leader without corruption scandals...

Or look at the most famous female business leaders.. that Yahoo CEO almost brought down Yahoo.. since she's gone they've recovered.. or that Theranos lady, she was the richest woman and on many covers.. turns out she lied about everything, the technology didn't work and investors lost billions

Or who was caught on camera cheating during the US election, pulling out vote cards in the middle of the night by the tens of thousands -- ALL ON CAMERA?? Why, black women. Nothing happened. No court touched it.

Anonymous said...

Good points

I would add the troubling fact that women are the biggest proponents of equality of outcome. Not equality. Equality of outcome (=very very similar to communism)

As just one in millions of examples, look at the US female soccer team. No one watches it. But they want the same salary!

Don't achieve the same goals or viewer numbers, BUT DEMAND the same outcome, or else you'll be smeared as discriminatory against women. And no woman stands up against this psychotic behaviour displayed daily.

It's everywhere.

And don't forget. When war breaks out over socialism/ communism and our societies collapse, they'll blame tyrannical patriarchy Haha


Anonymous said...

Agree with much of the above.

I personally heave decided to move my company out of the US. I'm a white cis Male and have no desire of being attacked by a mob or some feminazis.

I think the West is under cultural attack and many are too dumb and too selfish to realise what this means, end game wise.

In many Asian countries you do not have these feminazis. Nor mob justice. Nor Antifa. Nor BLM. Nor equality of outcome. Nor mass shootings.

For me, the golden age of America is over. And it'll get much worse before it gets better

Anonymous said...

Yup --

Nothing to add, except maybe the national security issues popping up all over the place.. it's not just lowering military recruitment and fitness levels ..

Think about the reduction of national competitiveness. Women work less. Take more sick days. And now want the same salary. It's psychotic. Just a drop by 5% would render China a more competitive place than the US.. it'll be much much worse soon

Anonymous said...

When you create protected classes, such as black women, this is what happens

It's not normal. It's illegal. It's a hate crime. And I guarantee you this: nothing will happen. Because... protected class

It's obscene and she should have resigned many times over for other atrocities she committed.


Anonymous said...


Troll is going over the to preaching to the choir and going so far where they are almost as dangerous as the liberal wingnuts.

German general remarked after the war that the allies were smart in enlisting the brainpower of the women of allied countries.

Little tidbit

There was murder recently. Pretty cut and dried. Homeland security showed up. I hope they were operating as something more than a glorified BATF. No apparent Middle East link. Maybe a klansman wannabe or someone on the internet? I would take the last to heart, if I were you.