Monday, May 3, 2021

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Says Troop Pullout From Afghanistan ‘Doesn’t Mean We’re Leaving'

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken 

Sputnik: Blinken Says Troop Pullout From Afghanistan ‘Doesn’t Mean We’re Leaving 

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says there will still be US presence in Afghanistan after the pullout of American forces is completed. 

"We've been engaged in Afghanistan for 20 years, and we sometimes forget why we went there in the first place, and that was to deal with the people who attacked us on 9/11. And we did. Just because our troops are coming home doesn't mean we're leaving. We're not," Blinken said on Sunday on CBS News' "60 Minutes." 

Blinken pointed out that the US embassy will remain in Afghanistan and the US will continue providing economic, humanitarian, and developmental support in the country. 

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 WNU Editor: Of course there will be a US presence in Afghanistan after US military forces leave. Thousands of US contractors are still there, and I expect the intelligence agencies will continue to operate.


Anonymous said...

Blinken is a G-D liar, who majored in arts and crafts at Harvard. He should know better from his stepfather. Obama never learned a damn thing from his step father, why should we expect Lil' Anthony to learn form his>

Unknown said...

Stuck on stupid u fool's

Jac said...

Bliken...what a twist!!!! Next time, if we are invading some country we shall say "we are back home". If Trump said things like that all the media's would be in eruption. Sad.