Monday, May 3, 2021

US Secretary Of State Blinken Says China Is Acting More Aggressively And 'Believes It Should Be The Dominant Country In The World'


60 Minutes/CBS News: Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the threat posed by China  

In his first 100 days, President Biden focused on the coronavirus pandemic, but over the course of his term, the Biden presidency will be defined by how the United States competes with China. 

In a few years, China's economy is expected to surpass the U.S. as the world's biggest. 

To determine how the United States will deal with China's growing influence, Mr. Biden has chosen one of his closest aides as secretary of state. 

It falls to Antony Blinken to rebuild a depleted and demoralized State Department, repair U.S. alliances and champion what diplomats call "the rules-based international order" -- the written and unwritten code that governs how nations deal with one another. 

Rules that, he says, are now threatened by China.  

Read more .... 

More News On US Secretary Of State Blinken's Remarks On China  

US-China relations: Blinken accuses China of acting more aggressively -- BBC  

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken admits China is ramping up its military aggression and 'believes it should be the dominant country in the world' -- Daily Mail  

Blinken says China acting 'more aggressively abroad' -'60 Minutes' interview -- Reuters 

China thinks it should be the dominant country in world, Blinken says -- FOX News  

Blinken: China is acting 'more aggressively abroad' -- DW  

Blinken: China is acting 'more repressively at home and more aggressively abroad' -- The Week 

Blinken: The US doesn't have 'the luxury of not dealing with China' -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Remember, when liberal wrung their hands and sobbed that a multipolar world was better than one in which the US was the lone superpower?

Now the know nothing jerks have got their way and they are still sobbing.

Anonymous said...

since 1945 it was Russia and the US as two superpowers. Both nations, former allies, had early on stockpiles of A-bombs. That is why NATO created by the US: to keep the Soviet Union in check.

Anonymous said...

STFU Bitch. you are a dumb mother!

In 1991 the USSR fell and was no longer a super power. That lasted for about a decade. You could argue 2 decades, which would be 2/3rds of a generation.

Proof? In 2003 Russia did not stop its ally Iraq from being invaded. They moved some WMDs and provided jamming equipment that caused some US munitions to miss their targets, but the stayed on the side lines.

In 2011, Putin stood by while Obama bent over Gaddafi and went to town. Very unIslamic of Obama, but he is an a la carte Muslim.

Putin drew the line in 2014/2015 in Syria and elsewhere. Russia is back. This is an observation not an endorsement.

China definitely began asserting itself from the Hainan incident in 2001. China has asserted itself since at least 2013. Or maybe a better way to say it is people outside of China held their head up for the pasture long enough to take notice.

People wring the hand through the 1990s and the aughts about needing a multipolar world. If they regret it now. FUCK 'EM!

yogi 22 said...

Just read this opinion in The Atlantic which argues that "China is a Paper Dragon". The gist is that:
Educational levels are much lower than in USA
Chinese soldiers spend a quarter of their time studying Communism
Chinese Military exercises are not realistic
Most of the Chinese Military's resources are required to prevent internal threats
etc., etc.

Jac said...

I remember Biden, during the Democrat primary, said "China is not a threat"... Bliken is not really educated.