Saturday, May 1, 2021

US TV News And Online Readership Collapse 100 Days Into Biden's Presidency

The Hill: TV news ratings, online readership plunge during Biden's first 100 days 

Broadcast and cable news ratings, along with website traffic, are all taking a hit in the post-Trump era. 

During President Biden’s first 100 days in office, weekly full-day cable ratings for CNN and MSNBC have been trending down, according to statistics from ratings company Nielsen. 

On average, 1.3 million household viewers were watching MSNBC in the last week of January, shortly after Biden took office. For the week ending April 25, that number was 868,000. At CNN, those figures went from 1.2 million to 749,000.  

Read more .... WNU Editor: When you have this type of reporting (see video below), only the ideological committed will watch it.


Anonymous said...

News is like Facebook. The viewer is the product. Charitably it is a 3 way trade with the advertiser, news organization, and viewers all getting something worthwhile in exchange.

News people puff up their chest and spread their peacock tail, while telling us about nuance and context of the stories they narrate. Secretly, they despise their viewers going back to the boozing, womanizing hypocrite Cronkhite of the travel deals.

After every election most people have fatigue due to campaign season. If you take seasonality out of the trends or run chart, is there still a decrease? I would think there is. You would need 4 or so seasons to be able to discern what is a normal dip in rating and other things.

News reporting is quite crappy. When a raw number increase in the stock market is reported without telling you the percentage increase increase or other data, it is mostly worthless. Just regard it as background noise or decor. It is Muzak except you are not in an elevator.

Anonymous said...

Robson said the recent decline might suggest that “people are relieved they don’t have to check the news every night to see what the latest crisis is.”

And what news they see online isn’t necessarily focused on Biden.

Anonymous said...

Because there is njo crisison the border.

And Biden is a good boy.

Yes, he is.

He does not deviate form the script he is given ...
until he does, but that is understandable, since he has a disability called dementia.

As a good company man, there is no need to have a Russia Hoax or a China Hoax.

But honestly Robson, you took you pot shots, because you have not other shots to take. it is not like you could take a data series and decompose it and show seasonal variation and tend. It is just not in your bag of tricks is it fuck face.

Anonymous said...

Liberal Eye Candy

Anonymous said...

the public simply now at ease and no longer worried what the Twitter misfit will fuck up while normal folks slept
ps: Fox numbers took a dive too

Anonymous said...

And there you have it, whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

2:57 there is something wrong with you. Are you coprophage? Coprpphagy would explain your mental obtuseness.

Fox did go down some. Upon inspection it is also obvious that it is a statistical outlier from the other three. Asking you to see reason and debate means, variances, and more would be cruel and unusual punishment. You simply do not ask someone with a quarter horsepower under the hood to take on an four hundred horsepower job.

Anonymous said...

Fox went down a bit because trumpers need their lies fed them daily
1.Who won the election? name, please
if Trump, why take checks Bidenm sending
2. if elections rigged, what of those in GOP that "won"? Should they be expelled?

Transcript Of Rudy Giuliani's Call With Ukraine Official
--- Republican state lawmakers are giving partisan poll watchers new powers, setting off alarms about potential voter intimidation. - CNNPolitics
--- GOP launches cultural attack on Biden?s day care plan and rest of American Families Plan - The Washington Post
-- U.S. Shows Progress in Moving Migrant Children From Border Jails - The New York Times
--Oregon lawmaker who let far-right demonstrators into Capitol charged with criminal misconduct - GOP launches cultural attack on Biden?s day care plan and rest of American Families Plan - The Washington Post
-- U.S. Shows Progress in Moving Migrant Children From Border Jails - The New York Times
--Oregon lawmaker who let far-right demonstrators into Capitol charged with criminal misconduct -

Anonymous said...

It's not working.