Monday, May 3, 2021

Violence Against Journalists Increasing

(© Giovanni Cardillo - 

Study Fnds: Dangerous era for journalists: 1 in 5 TV news stations report employees attacked in 2020 

WASHINGTON — Covering the news during a pandemic is not easy. Covering the news during a pandemic, election year, and growing civil unrest is apparently down-right dangerous, a new survey finds. According to the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA), one in five television news stations say they have employees who were the victims of violent crimes last year. 

The poll of 1,762 non-satellite TV stations and 3,379 radio outlets reveals journalists were threatened, assaulted, and even arrested at alarming rates across the U.S. in 2020. Overall, 20 percent of all TV news directors report that employees of theirs were attacked while on the job. That was especially prevalent in larger markets. In fact, nearly two in five news directors in the country’s top 25 markets say members of their newsroom reported being attacked.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This increase in violence against the news media is an indication of how polarized we have become, and the role that the media has played in making this happen. 

Case in point. 

I saw firsthand how the media reports and manipulates the news this past weekend when I was a witness to this .... Massive Anti-Covid-19 Lockdown Protest In Montreal (May 1, 2021). 

The protest was massive, and the drone shots that I have seen since the demonstration make me wonder if there were even more people than the 75,000 that were there. 

The local news covered it but ignored the numbers and instead focused on how 50 people had to be rescheduled to a different place for their vaccination. This made no sense. I was there, and the demonstration completely bypassed this vaccination center. 

The national media was even worse. Their reporting was focused at the end of the demonstration, when the police used teargas to disperse the crowd while arresting those who resisted. They also downplayed the numbers. Saying only that it was a large demonstration. 

For those who were part of this protest, and then going home to see how biased the reporting was on their protest. How can anything good come out from that?


Anonymous said...

Are Free and Fair Elections in America Possible?

They have become worse. We know more. Whatever it is the press, politics, and academia are horrible.

Anonymous said...

The problem with mainstream media is that we all know how much they influence our daily lives.

And how many wars they've talked us into, how many lives they've ruined with smear campaigns.

CNN,MSNBC,NYTIMES,NPR,WAPO etc are pure evil scum, profiteering of misinforming and misguiding the public on important topics which leads to so much misery and destroyed lives.

And none of it seems accidental. They're hitmen for the Democrat party, deep state ghouls without soul.

They give cover for election theft, big pharma drug and war pushers. They're horrible, horrible people hooked on Hate,inc. Type incomes.

Just look at CNNs staff , most of them have drug and sex offense convictions.
Yet they're being broadcast to every corner on earth, in airports and hotels, showering us with their filth and divisive agendas. Which bigger perverts still, like Fred Lapides then lap up like a good pavlov dog and then puke it out on the rest of us in a copy and paste frantic episode.

Enough of this scum and the filth repeaters

Anonymous said...

No sympathy for them. They cause most of the trouble. They reap what they sow. Body count is to low.

Anonymous said...

War correspondents are different than the dickheads at the office. To be sure there is some overlap. 30% to 70%?

Anonymous said...

After reading Dr. Joondeph's piece on news media (linked below), I used the following keywords for an internet search "TV ratings presidential addresses"

"Charlie Kirk tweeted out TV ratings for presidential addresses."

Trump 17—48,000,000

Trump 18—46,000,000

Trump 19—46,800,000

Trump 20—37,200,000

Biden 21—11,600,000

The rating were anywhere from 11 to 29 million. Maybe the lower number are early returns. In the age of computers, I think they could compile rating fast as in almost instantaneously. Neilsen used to literally have boxes attached to TV's. Streaming services know what you watch. I am thinking they are making more and more stuff up as time goes on.

B.Poster said...

50 people seeking vaccines got inconvenienced!??! Meanwhile the lockdowns have horribly altered and/or destroyed the lives of 10s of millions of people yet we are going to whine about 50 people being inconvenienced. The utter selfishness and self serving nature of those pushing "lockdowns" is beyond the pale. The "experts" seem completely brain dead to the collateral damage that their response to this virus is causing. Long after the virus is gone we are still going to be dealing with the collateral damage caused by their policies.