Friday, May 28, 2021

What Is India's Real Covid Death Toll?

The true coronavirus death toll in India could be as many as 1.6 million compared to the official 310,000 fatalities reported, experts fear. Last week the virus-ravaged Asian nation recorded around 4,500 deaths in one day, the biggest daily toll of any country during the pandemic  

Daily Mail: What is India's REAL Covid death toll? Experts say as many as 1.6 MILLION people could have died as the country's health service buckled 

* True Covid death toll in India could be as many as 1.6 million, experts say 

* Conservative estimate by New York Times is 600,000 - double the official toll 

* The worst-case scenario could be as high as 4.2 million in major undercount 

The true coronavirus death toll in India could be as many as 1.6 million compared to the official 310,000 fatalities reported, experts fear. 

Last week the virus-ravaged Asian nation recorded 4,529 deaths in one day, the biggest 24-hour toll in any country during the pandemic. 

But an analysis by the New York Times suggests the number could be at least double the official figure, at 600,000 - sparking concerns of huge under-counting.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: On a more positive note. It appears that India's Covid numbers are trending downward .... India’s lowest COVID spike in weeks, South Asia records 30m cases (Al Jazeera).


B.Poster said...

If this is true, then the US response to this especially while Trump was POTUS doesn't look so bad. Our official count stands at around 607K and everyone whose paying attention and not blinded by ideology or fear knows our official count is overstated. As for other countries such as India, I do not know.

As stated, if true about India all of sudden our response doesn't look so bad. I recall when we were being raked over the coals the world over regarding our response to this.

Hm Id said...

Thank you foor writing this