Friday, May 28, 2021

Where The Covid Pandemic Originated Carries Massive Poltiical Consequences

CNN: The Covid-19 origin story has massive political consequences 

(CNN)A growing storm over the origins in China of Covid-19 has explosive political implications for the United States at home and abroad, as well as the dueling legacies of two presidents that will be defined by the pandemic. 

President Joe Biden on Wednesday told Americans he had ordered US intelligence agencies to report in 90 days on whether the virus originated not in animals and spread to humans but might have escaped from a Chinese laboratory. 

The move deepened a mystery encompassing the pernicious spread of a deadly pathogen, an intricate epidemiological puzzle, the opacity of a totalitarian system and the bitter overtones of a superpower rivalry. 

It will fan doubts about the World Health Organization's capacity to tease out lessons from the current crisis in order to prevent future pandemics.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: On the US national level. The political implications that the coronavirus that spawned this pandemic is not natural, and that it probably originated by an incident/mistake/leak from a Chinese lab, will be enormous. 

On the international level. U.S. - China relations will enter an even more dangerous level. China will be responsible for the death of almost 600,000 Americans (and counting), and the devastation of its economy. Many Americans will be calling for revenge. 

As to what is my prediction.

I am concerned that there is NO real evidence that this coronavirus pandemic came from a natural source .... US Sitting On 'Raft' Of Unexamined Virus Intel; Former Official Says 'Almost No Evidence' Of Natural Origin (Zero Hedge). Mankind has faced viral and bacterial epidemics and pandemics in the past. But a coronavirus pandemic is something new. Add in the fact that this started in a city where China's main research facility is located to experiment on coronaviruses. Coupled with China's obstruction of any real independent investigations. This is all too much coincidental.

But I do not think the Biden administration has the real stomach to confront China right now. Their priority and focus is to pursue their progressive domestic agenda. I predict this intelligence report when made public is going to be ambiguous and speculative with a lot of qualifiers made in their conclusions.


Anonymous said...

"But I do not think the Biden administration has the real stomach to confront China right now. Their priority and focus is to pursue their progressive domestic agenda."

But I do not think the Biden administration has the real stomach to confront China right now. Their priority and focus is to pursue their DESTRUCTIVE, REGRESSIVE, AMERICA-LAST domestic agenda.

There, fixed if for ya.

Anonymous said...

I believe it came from the lab.

If the about four workers from the lab were admitted to a hospital for COVID, I would believe that it was a accidental.

I have no idea why Lunchbox Joe is giving the job the the intel community to figure out. Notice how the rancid motherfucker is talking so generically. He is giving it to the intel community. Looks like a lot of hand waving to me. The CIA cannot get it done IMO. See links below. Is President Placeholder giving the job to Coast Guard Intelligence? It "don't" make a lick of sense. The FBI? LMAO ROFL!

- Air Force Intelligence (provides reconnaissance for US ground troops.) ?

- FBI National Security Branch (oversees counterterrorism and intelligence gathering)?

- Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (gathers information on foreign nuclear weapons)?

- State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (provides diplomats the necessary tools for effective foreign policy) As Lloyd Christmas would say "Good one."

President Asterisk threw out a whole bunch of names and a big number as a specious argument.

How is the CIA going to find or communicate with those Wuhan lab workers? Visited a former Australian FSO in China. They worked for a private company gathering information on what Chinese companies were good investments and which were not. Had been visiting for 15 minutes and there was a knock on the door. Three Chinese cops were there. The former FSO's apartment was staked out. Churches and temples are staked out by 2 or 3 people in plain clothes. So, I ask you "WTF is the CIA going to do?". And I answer "Jack and Shit and Jack ain't here".

So President Groper palavered a little bit and pushed some propaganda. We should be grateful that he and the press were not discussing ice cream again. We need more of that really from 'elected' officials. It is not like the US has HGTV.

How the CIA’s spy network in China collapsed

China boasts after news report it executed CIA informants

These 17 Agencies Make Up The Most Sophisticated Spy Network In The World Sure and the CIA got rolled by the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

"Their priority and focus is to pursue their DESTRUCTIVE, REGRESSIVE, AMERICA-LAST domestic agenda."


Democrats worry about the near enemy more than the far enemy.

Unknown said...

Every 1st class intelligence service in the world will know about the origin of the virus. They'll have known for quite some time if it's a natural virus that jumped species, a tampered virus that escaped from the labs or a biological weapon released in a biological warfare attack on the world. Our politicians will not want to have a nuclear war with China. Too many private vested interests might be kyboshed not to mention vapourised. The world will eventually pick itself up & we'll carry on with a very powerful CCP calling the shots. For now, with the stated denials by establishment politicians & the establishment news media, no further action will be taken. If Trump or someone like him is elected in 4 years from now, then maybe the CCP will face consequences. Keep ducking 🙉🙈🙊.