Saturday, May 22, 2021

WHO Warns That Up To 8 Million May Have Died As A Result Of Covid Since Pandemic Began

By May 20 2021, WHO statistics showed around 3.4 million people had died globally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, although the real figure could be much higher, the WHO said  

Daily Mail: Up to 8 MILLION may have died as a result of Covid around the world since pandemic began with official toll of 3.4 million likely to be a 'significant undercount', WHO warns 

* Covid deaths could be three times higher than official figures, health body said 

 * Assistant Director-General said six to eight million deaths could be estimated 

* The WHO cited the lack of reliable systems to log deaths in many countries 

* In many cases people had died from coronavirus before being tested, it said 

 * New estimates include people who did not seek treatment for other ailments due to pandemic restrictions or lack of space in hospitals due to coronavirus care 

Up to eight million people may have died as a result of Covid-19 since the pandemic began, according to the World Health Organization, which said on Friday that official death tolls are likely to be a 'significant under-count'. 

Presenting its annual World Health Statistics report, the WHO estimated that total deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 were at least 3 million or 1.2 million more than the 1.8 million figure officially reported. 

'We are likely facing a significant under-count of total deaths directly and indirectly attributed to COVID-19,' the U.N. agency said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: We will only know the true number when this pandemic is finally over.


Anonymous said...


All of leftist media insisted it came from a food market

Many right leaning and Republicans were ridiculed and banned from social media, including myself, when I suggested more than a year ago it came from the Wuhan biolab that specialised in gain of function research of corona viruses

I happen to hold a degree in that field, but whatever

Racists!! They screamed while they deplatformed us.


That's the left.
The demonic radical left.

Zerohedge was banned from Facebook and Twitter.

The leftists terrorist enablers and demonic ghouls used their "fact checker army"(with financial ties to special interest groups, but whatever, it's effective enough that the brain dead among us, the likes of Fred Lapides then went on to copy and paste their demonic lies )

Look politifacts gave the lab leak hypothesis a pants on fire rating you dumb Republican, he went.

Over and over and over again, on the most important issues of life and death, the left is wrong and not just wrong, the do the bidding of the liars and warmongers, they are the racists, these demons, these vile creatures that know nothing.

Death to all these idiots, these fools, these know nothings. They're the reason for the downfall of the west.

These pathetic despicable ghouls

May God have mercy on them

Anonymous said...

Trump's Mysteries Are Primed for Discovery in the Biden Era

Anonymous said...

And he goes on doing the bidding of the left. Nothing reaches that parrot brain. He's dead

Anonymous said...

They've been after the right to abortion for decades. The next thing they did was go after the Voting Rights Act. And just watch: They'll go after Brown v. Board of Education and the Civil Rights Act next.

Nothing is sacred to Republicans anymore. Not the right to vote. Not the right to be free of search and seizure in your own home. Not the right to be free of religion if you so choose. Not the right to be free of discrimination on the basis of race, sex, creed or national origin. The only "right" they respect in this day and age is the right to follow Donald Trump, and they are in the process of turning that right, at least within their own Republican Party, into an obligation. To have rights, such as those enumerated in the Bill of Rights, is a founding principle of democracy. To impose obligations, as in the obligation to adhere unquestioningly to a leader, is a principle of authoritarianism.

The Republican Party has turned against democracy. They will not let anything stand in their way. This week, the Supreme Court, with six justices appointed by Republican presidents, agreed to hear a case arising from a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Just yesterday, the governor of the state of Texas signed a law banning all abortions the moment a fetal heartbeat can be detected, about six weeks after a woman becomes pregnant — and before most women realize that they are, in fact, pregnant. A similar bill was signed into law in South Carolina in February. The state of Tennessee passed a fetal heartbeat law last year. Now the Volunteer State has a bill under consideration that would allow the father of an unborn child, even if that father is a rapist who caused the pregnancy, to get a court order stopping the mother from getting an abortion. The veto power of the father over the abortion rights of the mother would be absolute, putting men, even criminals, in overall control of women's bodies. According to NARAL Pro Choice America, more than 60 bills have been introduced or passed in state legislatures this year to restrict abortion.

The defenestration of the Voting Rights Act is all the evidence you need that the Republican Party is refighting the Civil War with words. Chief Justice John Roberts relied on the principle of so-called "equal sovereignty" to justify overturning Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which required nine states, mostly in the Deep South, to get pre-clearance from the Department of Justice before changing their voting laws. Congress included the pre-clearance provision in the law because the states of the Deep South had a long history of restricting the voting rights of Black citizens. Justice Roberts found in his decision that treating states "unequally" by requiring certain states to get pre-clearance while not requiring the same of others was unconstitutional. He went on to say that the instances of Southern states discriminating against their Black citizens' voting rights were 40 years old and could therefore be dismissed as relics of another era.

Stephen Davenport said...

The actual number is probably much much LOWER than the 8 million they quote here. They literally count someone who died in a car accident and who tested positive for covid at autopsy as a covid death.

Anonymous said...

Stephen, agreed.
The left used faked PCR tests to terrorise the population into submission and use unconstitutional mail in ballots.
The inventor of the much used PCR test, Dr. Mullis, explicitly warned us about Fauci -- he knew that monster from the aids pandemic-- and he warned us against misusing his PCR test for the detection of viral fragments.

The Democrats colluded with Fauci to use the PCR test anyways. Result.. shut down economy with trillions in damages, a traumatised population, a profiteering China

The left ARE terrorists
They commit terror for political gain

You must stop these demons

Anonymous said...

it is over. get over it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Davenport,
When you go to the vaers site, you can get a breakdown of the conditions of the person that died from the vaccine, prior health problems, age, what medicine they are on ect. Just not their names. Will they ever do that with the Covid death count, I expect not. This era where discussion is not allowed and facts are hidden by the government gives any sane person the right to dismiss what they say. 8 million? meh. Show me.

Science is the search for that which is always true and the process is exaggerated inquiry.


Anonymous said...

Demon at 950
There's no time limit on this crime. Tbe guilty will hang

Anonymous said...

Demon here: hanging is no longer used in just about every state in the nation.
babbling is no substitute for facts, evidence

Anonymous said...

How many more days before old Joe steps down?

Anonymous said...

10:52 wrote "Demon here". How can 10:52 take responsibility for being a demon, when they are not fully human, a fact which they admit?

A person would normally be right to think that person living in a crap shack like 10:52 does , would be so embarrassed, they would get off their duff and earn money to afford a better place. But indigent transients like 10:52 cannot hope for better.

Three state use hanging. So does it make babbler's first sentence true? A state brought back the firing squad in the last year or less. The sands are shifting. Notice how babbler, he whom is not quite human, used words with broad definitions. He could not be bother to look things up, nor could he be bother to quantify things.

Babble does not like qualitative analysis. It is hard work. Besides you cannot use nebulous words meaning a broad range of things to make a hand waving argument for this or that, which how babbler and cheating, lying Democrat politicians like it.

10:52 is a little shit of a man.

Anonymous said...

How many more days before old Joe steps down?

“Somewhere Between 700 Billion And A Trillion 300 Million Billion Dollars”

- Usurper Biden, the Babbler

Anonymous said...

The traitors will hang, there's no way around it

Anonymous said...

Joe is not stepping down
Joe is more active, speaking, visiting than trump was in 4 years
You lose and so too Trump
game over

Anonymous said...

Iran has hand picked hundreds of trusted fighters from among the cadres of its most powerful militia allies in Iraq, forming smaller, elite and fiercely loyal factions in a shift away from relying on large groups with which it once exerted influence.

The new covert groups were trained last year in drone warfare, surveillance and online propaganda and answer directly to officers in Iran's Quds Force, the arm of its Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) that controls its allied militia abroad.

They have been responsible for a series of increasingly sophisticated attacks against the United States and its allies, according to accounts by Iraqi security officials, militia commanders and Western diplomatic and military sources.

The tactic reflects Iran's response to setbacks - above all the death of military mastermind and Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani, who closely controlled Iraq's Shi'ite militia until he was killed last year by a U.S. drone missile strike.

His successor, Esmail Ghaani, was not as familiar with Iraq's internal politics and never exerted the same influence over the militia as Soleimani.

Iraq's large pro-Iran militia were also forced to adopt a lower profile after a public backlash led to huge mass demonstrations against Iranian influence in late 2019. They were hit by divisions after Soleimani's death and seen by Iran as becoming harder to control.

But the shift to relying on smaller groups also brings tactical advantages. They are less prone to infiltration and could prove more effective in deploying the latest techniques Iran has developed to strike its foes, such as armed drones.

"The new factions are linked directly to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps," an Iraqi security official said. "They take their orders from them, not from any Iraqi side."

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

A loss leader copy and paste

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

A loss leader copy and paste
Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

A loss leader copy and paste
Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

A loss leader copy and paste
A loss leader copy and paste

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

A loss leader copy and paste
Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

A loss leader copy and paste
Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him made an off topic post at 1:28. It is one of those one off post where he is not attacking Republican s or defending Democrats.

A loss leader copy and paste

A loss leader copy and paste

Anonymous said...

Just so you know what it is. You are pretty ignorant for a Russian troll. Most of the Russians I know are smart. You on the other hand ...

AZuLike said...

Don't know why some of you even try. Dude obviously a troll and gets his kicks. To be honest WNU just needs to shut down the comment section.

Anonymous said...

Why try?

1) Debate. Either honest debate or debate with a sick person. Either way learn more about subjects.

2) If they want to cast themselves into the mold that they do, I am more than happy to transfix them. Let them continue in their ways. They will never get better.

3( Every last site had trolls. Some of it is self volunteering and others have to be paid positions. Throw it right back at them and more. Troll admitted that they were disturbed.

Anonymous said...

11:11 has no self awareness and apparently very little education.