Thursday, June 3, 2021

A Canadian Connection To China's Wuhan Institute Of Virology

The National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg. (Trevor Lyons/CBC)  

CBC News: O'Toole wants an investigation of Winnipeg virus lab's ties to China 

Two scientists were fired after shipping samples of highly contagious pathogens to Wuhan Conservative 

Leader Erin O'Toole is demanding the Public Health Agency of Canada release documents that detail the relationship between Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg and the Wuhan Institute of Virology — an ill-fated partnership that resulted in two scientists being removed from the Winnipeg lab after they shipped samples of the Ebola and Henipah viruses to the lab in China. 

As CBC News first reported in 2019, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and a number of her students from China were escorted from Canada's only level-4 lab after one of them shipped samples of these highly contagious pathogens to Wuhan.  

Read more ....  

Update: House orders release of unredacted documents on viruses sent to Wuhan, firing of scientists -- CTV News  

WNU Editor: I for one would not be surprised if other Western countries, excluding Canada and the U.S., have a connection with China's Wuhan Institute Of Virology.


Unknown said...

Nothing new here. This is old news. I read about this over a year ago. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

Hi. We're chinese students. Can we steal from you today?

Anonymous said...

Defund the CBC!

Anonymous said...

I bet that all common wealth nations, those who had the hardest lockdowns, Australia, new Zealand, England etc and Canada too of course, all nations who funded heavily likely locked down heavily.

Or maybe those who practiced similar dark winter drills (which are a disaster waiting to be exploited.. stuff like this shouldn't be public and triggered based on false PCR tests)..

It was a shameful reaction, and likely western nations conspired together with big tech organisations and Intel agencies to use the opportunity to further tighten the surveillance state and the control grid.

There should be an end to what's acceptable and we're near it. Perhaps over it.

B.Poster said...

Anon (7:53),

Well said. Until our own governments are held accountable for the lockdowns and the damage which far exceeds what the virus ever could cause its hard to muster much enthusiasm for fighting China. China did not order the lockdowns nor did they order us to rely heavily on faulty PCR tests

Perhaps we are over it. Once "red state" leaders such as those in TX realized lockdowns weren't working to slow virus spread, were never going to work to slow virus spread, and the models they were given showing projected infections and deaths were faulty, they began to back away slowly at first from the lockdowns and sped up over time. Additionally cases reported are dropping rapidly, so rapidly that implementing the "vaccine passports" that the leadership class wants may prove problematic. This is suggestive that perhaps many on the front lines of this are done cooperating with their deception.