Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Afghan Special Operators May Be Trained By NATO In Europe

Afghan special force commando unit officers and soldiers attend a graduation ceremony at the military academy in Kabul, Afghanistan, on May 31, 2021. Anadolu Agency / Haroon Sabawoon  

Defense One: NATO May Train Afghan Special Operators in Europe 

But experts say training may suffer after Western troops withdraw. 

As the United States withdraws forces from Afghanistan, one big question has been how the U.S. and its NATO allies would continue to train the elite Afghanistan special operations forces that have helped counter the Taliban and other violent groups. 

On Wednesday, the top U.S. commander in Europe said NATO might continue that training mission on European soil. 

“We want to work with Afghanistan from a NATO perspective and we're in the process of looking at out-of-country special forces training in certain locations to bring NATO special forces activities out of, out of Afghanistan into a remote location, probably somewhere in Europe,” Gen. Tod Wolters, commander of U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, told an audience at the Atlantic Council. 

That training would be managed by the NATO Office of the Senior Civilian Representative, or OSCR, Wolters said.  

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WNU Editor: NATO also wants to help the Afghan air force .... Help The Afghan Air Force To Blunt Taliban Attacks (Breaking Defense). As to the war itself. The Taliban are gaining territories .... The Taliban Are Getting Stronger In Afghanistan As U.S. And NATO Forces Exit (NPR), and the US withdrawal is at the halfway point .... US Military Says Withdrawal From Afghanistan More Than Half Complete  (VOA).  

Update: From where will the U.S. launch these airstrikes? .... U.S. Weighs Possibility of Airstrikes if Afghan Forces Face Crisis (New York Times). Pakistan has already said no .... Don't Expect Pakistan to Host US Military Bases (The Diplomat).


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the Afghan government acknowledge reality and get the Taliban to train it's troops? They seem to be pretty effective and on a minimalist budget.

Anonymous said...

Taliban is very effective. They can each the army how to bomb hospitals and super markets.