Thursday, June 3, 2021

Asia's Coronavirtus Variants Threaten The World

DW: Virus variants in Asia threaten the whole world 

If the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread worldwide, vaccines could become ineffective and strains could escape immunity. The right vaccines need to go to the places where they are needed. 

According to genome databases, such as, there are now more than 1,000 known variants of the SARS CoV-2 virus. 

Up to now, the "variants of concern" have been named after the places where they were first discovered. But in a move to avoid stigmatizing particular countries, the World Health Organization has now introduced a new naming system based on the letters of the Greek alphabet. The UK/Kent, South African, Brazilian and Indian variants will now be given the letters Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta respectively. But the labels will not replace their more complex scientific names. 

The new variant discovered in Vietnam appears to be a cross between Alpha (B.1.1.7) and Delta (B.1.617). According to Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long, the new strain spreads "quickly by air", which could explain the rapid rise in the number of new infections in May.  

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It's probably too late .... Delta Covid variant first found in India spreads to 62 countries, hot spots form in Asia and Africa, WHO says (CNBC). 

More here .... Malaysia imposes lockdown as Southeast Asia battles virus surge (AFP)  

On a more positive note. The variant spreading in Vietnam may not be a variant at all .... WHO rules out new 'hybrid' Covid-19 variant in Vietnam (France 24).


Hans Persson said...

its time to quarantine China.

Unknown said...

It was time to quarentine China in December 2019. That boat load of virus has long sailed. 100s of 1000s are brought in to Britain from the most infected countries. 100s are crossing the Channel weekly. They're allowed to stay in Britain. Our political masters are not interested in stopping the viruses from getting into Britain. They are much more interested in keeping the indigenous people under house arrest for years, mass unemployment & making the majority poor once again. Keep ducking 🙉