Saturday, June 26, 2021

Cartoon Round Up


Anonymous said...

Ramirez. The best. Love the drawings.

Anonymous said...

and yet they get cited here for news and also the anon zero hedge

Anonymous said...

Satirists or cartoonist say in a few words what other are afraid to say or won't because of a payday.

945's sacred cow got gored and the snowflake is upset. I think I would get more out of Zerohedge than you get by watching Joy(less) Reid.

Anonymous said...

sorry but what i note is that this site uses those sources that this site now says are worthless!
I have no sacred cows. I read most Reuters but also view news sources from the left and the rightnow go forth and sin no more

Anonymous said...


You are the dumb mother fucker I want to talk about. First, since you you could not read for the longest time you have no idea what a Venn diagram for you, so the cartoon's humor completely went over your head. I feel so sad for you. You are so stupid you remind me of a Dark Crystal pod person. Second, WNU will link literally a dozen different news agencies or site to a real world event. It is apparent upon inspection and he has written that he does this and why he does this a dozen or more times. But all you can do is bleat whenever you see one of the half dozen or dozen news sites that you vehemently disagree with.

Unlike your pasty ass, I can pin point where I think Zerohedge goes wrong and why. I have in the past. I typically skim over those headlines when I see the write and look at the other stories. I will skip anything by Simon Black. He is a worthless dick just like you.

I challenged you about 4 years ago to name what was bad about Breitbart. I listed stories Breitbart carried and found the same stores in Leftwing newspapers like Washington Post, HuffPo (No sold; so sad), Newsweek or elsewhere. I asked you to name the fake news Breitbart carried. We only got crickets form your skanky ass.

For the record, Strategic Culture Foundation and Simon Black are worthless. but ZH is dead on when they write about QE1, QE2, QE3, Twist and Qternity.

The Difference between Zerohedge and you 11:39 is that ZH has good material. You have none.

Anonymous said...

I know you are but what am I?

You lost!! get over it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lololololololo, no!

Anonymous said...

pants or dress on fire

Anonymous said...

Breitbart was awesome.. another guy that was killed. Think they got him with poison, that's what people around him think. Looked like another left radical hit job back then, or someone rich he pissed off(which was typically on the left)