Tuesday, June 22, 2021

China's Foreign Ministry Says The Wuhan Institute Of Virology Should Be Awarded The Nobel Prize

Wuhan Institute of Virology Photo: VCG  

Washington Examiner: Chinese Foreign Ministry calls for Wuhan Institute of Virology to be awarded Nobel Prize 

The Chinese Foreign Ministry is calling for the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is at the center of controversy over the coronavirus pandemic’s origin, to be awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine. 

“The award is mainly given to individuals or research groups who have made or demonstrated significant achievements in the past five years ... China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson stressed at Thursday’s press conference that scientists working at the WIV should be awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine, rather than being blamed for being the first to discover the gene sequence of the novel coronavirus,” said a report from Chinese state media. 

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WNU Editor: this push for a Nobel Prize comes after The Wuhan Institute Of Virology was nominated for china;s top scientific prize .... Wuhan Institute of Virology listed as candidate for Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of CAS (Global Times). More here .... 'Covid lab leak' Wuhan Institute of Virology is nominated for China's top science award – with special praise for 'bat woman' scientist (Daily Mail). 

More News On China Saying The Wuhan Institute Of Virology Should Be Awarded The Nobel Prize  

China says Wuhan lab deserves Nobel Prize, US pursuing leak theory -- Business Insider  

Chinese state media panned for pushing for Wuhan lab to receive Nobel Prize -- FOX News

China: Wuhan lab deserves Nobel Prize in medicine for COVID-19 study -- Jerusalem Post  

Wuhan Institute Suspected by West of Creating COVID Nominated for China's Top Science Award -- Sputnik

No Remorse: China Now Says the Wuhan Lab Deserves a Nobel Prize -- NPR


Caecus said...

The nobel prize for succesfully causing the first man-made pandemic

Anonymous said...

Haha they're just like CNN and the NY times, giving each other prizes for in depth coverage of the Russia hoax, which was nearly criminally lying to the country for 3 years. What happened to these liars? They survived the lie, made tons of money and then went on to work in the Biden administration. You know.. America...
Fck that corrupt system.

Anonymous said...

China is following the Democrat Party/Liberal in your face playbook.

When the Dominion voting machine discrepancies first came to light Eric Croomer looked like he was going to cry. He looked worried like Christopher Steale. Chrissy hid out for a fortnight, when the truth came out. Notice how both Eric and Chrissy resurfaced. Chrissy might have been told by MI6 to keep a low profile. But notice he was no longer hiding. Eric Croomer, Dominion and other cabalists went over on the attack and countersued.

If your enemy has the goods, if they have an advantage, and they fail to press it due to timidity or some reason. People preparing for the end go back on the attack.

After The Catalaunian Fields the soundly beaten Attila was prepared to commit suicide. He lost. The follow up attack never came. Aetius looking forward into the future was afraid if Attila was eliminated that he could not play off Frank, Visigoth and Hun against each other. So he let Attila escape. The next year Attila went back on the attack.

The only reason why President Dementia and the Democrats are not backing the nomination is because the Chinese spy gave up the goods.

Anonymous said...

It was an Italian satellite, not a Chinese satellite, piloted by Maduro, that made me gay.

Anonymous said...

You're gay, because it doubles your chances as a pervert.

Anonymous said...

China must live in a fantasy world if they think that the Wuhan Biological Warfare Center will be elected a Nobel Prize. But maybe there is a chance of that after all, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!

Anonymous said...

Members of the CCP are Chinese, who are technically BIPOC, so they have big handicap in their favor, when running for the Nobel prize given out by the lib members of the Nobel committees.

Anonymous said...

No it's a common tactic by liars.
Their lie, this obscene inversion of the truth, makes you talk about Nobel prize for Wuhan lab. THEN, cnn and the rest of the traitors say "oh look people are discussing it, how are their chances, what good have they done?" , fully ignoring the misery they've caused, the death and destruction on biblical scale.. trillions in economic damages, billions traumatized, millions dead...

INSTEAD what we need to do is go on the offensive

Talk about punishment for THEM, the death penalty, prison sentences, taking their money...

Talk about the corrupt courts, how the DAs also helped terrorists to get off the streets ahead of an election. THEY weaponized BLM and antifa terrorism for political outcome. That IS terrorism.

We need to go on the offensive on all fronts.

And take them out. One by one.
They can't stop us all.

One by one they'll disappear.
Legally. We will use their tactics and go beyond. They'll be gone one by one and the rest will falter, because they know their corrupt deeds and that no more corrupt DAs and media will protect them.

Start with the media.. take them out.. the corrupt DAs.. everyone corrupt. Take them out. Go on the offensive.

Don't engage in discussing their lies. It's a trick. DEATH TO THEM ALL