Thursday, June 10, 2021

Dr. Fauci Says Attacks On Him Is Attacks On Truth And Science

WNU Editor: This is what arrogance looks like.


Anonymous said...

The man's ego is disturbing. Also disturbing is his support of biological warfare agents. His science is the science of Dr Frankenstein. Biden should retire him immediately, He is 81 years old.

Bill said...

What I don't understand is why Trump didn't fire him. I totally get why Biden wants him since he supports their agenda.

Anonymous said...

He's part of the demonic gang that is plundering the World and spreading chaos

He's so obviously a demon if you look at his eyes, how he lies, how easily he lies, how he tries to enrich himself pushing unsafe drugs on an unaware population. How the ghoulish, demonic media protects their own. Look no further than that.

He must go to prison and that's too good for him

And it mustn't stop there

They all need to go to a dark prison cell, and for those which we can demonstrate intent, they must be hung publicly so trust in our institutions can be restored and these corrupt, vile parasites of humanity see there's no room for them any more

Enough with these demons and the media protecting their inhumane acts and terror their push on the population

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many masks Lapides is wearing?