Sunday, June 6, 2021

Editor's Note

A few days ago I seriously injured my eye in a freak accident. It has impacted my ability to blog. Fortunately the swelling has decreased substantially, and there is no permanent damage. 

My next checkup is tomorrow morning. But in the interim blogging is going to be light.


Anonymous said...

The injury I most feared when in Vietnam, loss of sight.

Best of luck and good fortune for a complete recovery.

RussInSoCal said...

Was this the wasp incident? Guess it was much more serious than initially thought. Get well soon.

Unknown said...

Get well soon and dear chap & keep ducking 😁👍

B.Poster said...

Get well soon. Prayers for a quick and complete healing.

Anonymous said...

Praying for your recovery.

Anonymous said...

don't beat yourself up about it

Anonymous said...

Down goes Lamparski, down goes Lamparski, down goes Lamparski!

Anonymous said...

Jac said...

Take a rest, we will not kill you for that. Get well, of course.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy wearing my pants backwards.

It's better than wearing no pants.

Alex said...

Take care WNU!

jimbrown said...

If you can read this, you're getting better.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thanks for the best wishes. And yes RussInSoCal. It was the wasp.

copley7 said...

I was bitten in the eyelid in June 2010, it was brutal. Just rest up, catch up on blogging later.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed the disappearance from the news of the variant outbreak in India, poof just like that .....gone.