Thursday, June 24, 2021

Eyewitness Report From Yesterday's Confrontation Between The HMS Defender And The Russian Military In The Black Sea


Daily Mail: Russian jets thunder overhead. The angry thud of cannon fire rings out. Our crew readies Sea Viper missiles. Wars have started over less. Read the dramatic Mail eyewitness report as Vladimir Putin's gunboat opens fire on HMS Defender 

Russian warplanes and armed coastguard vessels targeted a Royal Navy warship before opening fire yesterday. 

A Daily Mail reporter was on board HMS Defender as repeated bursts of cannon fire rang out in a dramatic incident that opened up a fresh diplomatic crisis. 

The Russian jets and ships menaced the UK destroyer after it entered disputed territorial waters off Crimea, which Moscow illegally annexed from Ukraine in 2014. 

After the coastguard vessel opened fire, the British sailors frantically pulled on flame retardant suits and body armour amid fears that their warship could be hit. 

The hour-long incident represented the most alarming escalation of UK tensions with the Kremlin since the Salisbury poisonings of 2018. Russia responded by summoning the British defence attache in Moscow. 

Its embassy in London accused the Royal Navy of an act of provocation and of violating its border.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A BBC reporter is on board (see above video). A Daily Mail reporter is on board (see above post). This looks like a deliberate provocation with the media on board to document the event.


Anonymous said...

"This looks like a deliberate provocation with the media on board to document the event."

Reporters often embed with military units particularly in a warzone.

On previous Black Sea movements have there been embedded reporters? If not, why now? Usually one (have there been two) ship(s) have been sent at a time. Now 3?

Steaming about with allies to reassure one another and to continue to operate seamlessly is good. Is the British Navy just getting back into the swing of things after a lull and much needed maintenance and procurement (for the navy anyway). Maybe it was 3 just because the Brits were there.

Maybe Joe shook in his socks thinking that without the Brits, there was no way he would risk 3 US Navy ships. This is the guy who could not pull the trigger on Osama.

Things were going to get better after Trump was gone. Supposedly. Things are starting to get kinetic. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it is needful. If it had gone kinetic as Czechoslovakia was invaded in 1939, the war might have lasted a month or at most 2 or 3 years.

But it is not the bill of goods that was sold to us by the Democrat Party and lying media.

The Russians want to take this back to Maidan and leave it there. For some odd reason they do not want to go back to oh ... the poisoning President Viktor Yushchenko.

Why is that?

Granted Russia is bad. Ask Georgia, Ukraine the Baltic nations, Poland and Romania.

Still General Flynn, the Green Party candidate for President. Trump and Hunter Biden thought they could be good partners. Also Obama and Reset Button Faceplant Hillary back in the day. So why the constant war drums from Puppet President Biden?

Anonymous said...

Why Democrats push for war with Russia... it can only benefit China

The Chinese are bragging publicly that they've infiltrated every corner of US politics, finance, every and technology.. and I know it's true

The Democrats have been found with conspicuously close ties to Chinese spies..swalwell, the liar who tried to also push the Russia hoax for years was apparently manipulated and in bed with a Chinese spy who groomed this idiot

Unless the people realise that the same people who try to start a war with Russia are the ones that literally address in bed with China, we will see more of this

Culturally, ethically the Russians are much much much closer to the west than the Chinese, who see han Chinese as separate from humanity and want to establish a global power structure in which non Han Chinese are second class citizens at they're Modern nazism.. they have the death camps, the forced sterilisation, the organ harvesting.. all of it.. and the Democrats are so in love with them

Get rid of the illegitimate, demonic power grab that the left, Marxist and neo-Maoists have over your country.. they're clearly evil, and clearly in bed with china

The media suppressed information ahead of the election about the Chinese spy ring financing the Biden's with 5million, no strings attached... they suppressed the i information..cnn msnbc and Twitter and Facebook colluded in this

It's a coup
They're in on it
Look at mark Zuckerberg and Dorsey.. they don't look right.. my bet is the Chinese have something on them. Zuckerberg who sponsored the unconstitutional electionchanges with 200mn dollars, he's married to a Chinese and speaks Chinese and never criticizes them

Have you noticed this?
No Chinese living in America criticises Chinese or the CCP

It's ac recipe for disaster if you let the Democrats remain in the white house. The election was stolen. It's a coup and they know that the sentence for this is death... so of course they'll become more tyrannical than even today

Stop them to restore democracy and peace on earth. Couldn't be clearer

Caecus said...

Apparently Crimea, a small peninsula on the Black Sea, is a vital national security interest of the UK and their masters in Washington

Anonymous said...

The Russians did sign over Crimea to Ukraine twice in the last half century. Those would be legal documents that would stand up in court.

Russia (USSR) signed over Crimea o Ukraine in 1054 for reasons ... ?

Why Did Russia Give Away Crimea Sixty Years Ago?

- Wilson Center

Maybe the Politburo wanted to reassure their ethnic Ukrainian comrades that they valued them? Maybe it was a bribe. There was still fighting in the Ukraine. The majority of it was over by 1945. but the insurgency lasted until 1954. The fighting during 1945 in Ukraine was nothing serious. The Soviets only sent 20 or more divisions against the Ukrainians.

The Russians signed over the Ukraine again around 1991. I would say the establishment was under duress. So while the documents are legal (Putin has legal training and views the world in part that way.) and binding a prudent and/or moral person would hold a plebiscite. A plebiscite is always good when France wants a part of Germany and if they don't get their way they hold another plebiscite. May be in 2100 France gets the East bank of the Rhine and Swabia?

But seriously a plebiscite would have been the way to go, although I do not see how one would have been held. The Ukraine establishment would not have allowed it and how would you maneuver them to accepting to hold one? Shutting off the gas or do not re-up the contract?

It is not an Ukrainian thing. Most any establishment anywhere would not voluntarily hold a plebiscite. Almost everyone is irrendentist at heart.

Britain has an interest in Crimea for the same reason it has an interest on Georgia, Ukraine, the Baltics, Poland and the rest.

Crimea is Russian, but the Russians went about it the wrong way. Nobody was going to let them go about it the right way. That is just the way of the world.

I think Russia could have finagled it using grey war methods to force Ukraine to hold a plebiscite, but Poot Poot was in a hurry.

B.Poster said...


It is puzzling as to why Crimea is a vital security interests to either the US or the UK, however, the US is not the master of the UK. Such slander of a proud and independent nation such as the UK would no doubt be extremely insulting to them.

Anon (12:38PM),

Fascinating analysis!! I appreciate it. A plebiscite would likely have worked out in Russia's favor but this wouldn't have been allowed likely because the relevant parties wishing to prevent this knew the outcome. Court victory or not achieving one's aims this way based upon legal technicalities would probably only inflame tensions and may even set a bad precedent. After all there's many claims against America, that might just stand up on court and this likely applies to other countries as well. As such, this is probably something they don't want to open up.

With this said Crimea is Russian. While Russia may have gone about this the wrong way, this doesn't change the fact that it is Russian. The sooner US leadership recognizes that Crimea is Russian, this situation cannot be changed, and they act accordingly the better off we are going to be.

Anonymous said...

Let's be clear. You, the Russian propagandist, and Pootie Poot are the bad guys. Russian has been attacking Ukraine since 2004 if not before. It attacked Estonia about that year and it attacked Georgia in 2008. You are the bad guys. Go join the other frequent flyer troll in an oroboros.

B.Poster said...

Whose the Russian Propagandist here? Is it me, Caecus, or anon @ 12:38? Such is the state of the superficial analysis that dominates much of American thought that when someone points out obvious facts they are accused of being a "propagandist' or worse.

Anonymous said...

It is you Russian fanboy.

B.Poster said...

I'm not a fan of Russia. At no point have advocated for their interests. There are areas where their interests and ours may converge and it's generally not a good idea to needlessly provoke a major world power. Confront them where and when necessary but needless provocation isn't good. Painting out the obvious isn't being a "fan."

Still nothing to add to the discussion. You resort to childish insults.

I would suggest that you read the analysis by Anon @ 12:38. Then add to it or present a counter argument. This sort of thing is helpful. Childish insults aren't.

Anonymous said...

I wrote 12:38 and you are a Russian fanboy.