Tuesday, June 22, 2021

FBI Seizes Dozens Of US Website Domains Linked To Iran In Massive Crackdown On Disinformation

The website of Iran-linked Masirah TV, which is run by Yemen’s Houthis, is seen with a notice saying it had been seized by the US. Photograph: REUTERS/Reuters 

The Guardian: US takes down dozens of Iran-linked news sites, accusing them of disinformation 

Notices appear on Iran-affiliated sites saying they had been seized as part of law enforcement action US authorities have seized a range of Iran’s state-linked news websites, which they accused of spreading “disinformation” on Tuesday, a US official said, a move that appeared to be a far-reaching crackdown on Iranian media amid heightened tensions between the two countries. 

The US government official, who spoke on Tuesday on condition of anonymity because the case had not yet been officially announced, said the US had effectively taken down roughly three dozen websites, the majority linked to Iranian disinformation efforts.  

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More News On The FBI Seizing Dozens Of US Website Domains Linked To Iran In Massive Crackdown On Disinformation  

US takes down Iran-linked news sites, alleges disinformation -- AP  

US authorities seize Iran-linked news websites, sources say -- DW  

Notices on Iran-linked websites say they have been seized by U.S. -- Reuters 

US government seizes dozens of US website domains connected to Iran -- CNN  

U.S. seizes Iranian news sites under unclear circumstances -- Politico  

Notices On Iran-Affiliated Sites, Tehran Says They Have Been Seized By U.S. -- RFE  

US seizes dozens of Iranian websites including state-run news outlets -- Middle East Eye  

US government ‘SEIZES’ website of Iran’s Press TV, multiple other media outlets -- RT


Anonymous said...

"Massive crackdown on misinformation"
How come CNN still exists?
How about NPR and CBS?
or the liers and traitors over at the NY TIMES?
those are legitimized misinformation. The good people. On the right side of tyranny.
Get it?
It's a coup. They'll come for your children next. They'll replace you with immigrants. They'll outlaw religion. Anything against total control state party, they'll outlaw.
The demons at CNN get to exist. Look at their eyes. Look at their demonic eyes.. but.. they're on the right side of tyranny....

What side are you on though?
That's what it's all about

Think about it

Jac said...

The only hope we have is a big change on the 2022 vote.