Thursday, June 3, 2021

Former President Obama Says Proof of Aliens Will Lead To New Religions And Massive Military Spending


Daily Mail: Obama says he 'absolutely' wants to know the truth behind UFOS and believes the US could spend more on weapons and deal with new religions if aliens do exist 

* President Obama said on The Ezra Klein Show that he 'absolutely' wants to know what the unidentified objects seen in the videos that have been released by the Pentagon are 

 * If aliens do exist, Obama said it's possible the US could 'spend a lot more money on weapons systems to defend ourselves,' 

* New religions would also pop up, as well as other arguments stemming from the knowledge of their existence 

* A report from the Director of National Intelligence on the US government's secret files on UFOs is expected to be released some time this month 

* Two-thirds of respondents in a recent survey said they believe the US government knows more about aliens then they have said publicly 

If the presence of extraterrestrial life is confirmed, former President Barack Obama said the US might have to 'spend a lot more' to defend ourselves and 'new religions would pop up.' 

In a wide-ranging interview on The Ezra Klein Show podcast, Obama said that he 'absolutely' wants to know what the unidentified objects seen in the videos that have been released by the Pentagon are. 

'And so I would hope that the knowledge that there were aliens out there would solidify people’s sense that what we have in common is a little more important,' Obama said in response to a hypothetical question that humanity has become aware of intelligent life beyond this planet, but is unable to get in touch with them.  

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More News On Former President Obama's Remarks On Aliens  

Obama reacts to purported UFO videos, 'absolutely' wants to know more -- FOX News  

If UFOs are aliens, Obama hopes humanity would find ‘common’ ground -- Global Times  

Proof of aliens will lead to new religions and massive military spending - Barack Obama -- The SUN  

A Lot More Money on Weapons Systems’: Obama Talks About Scenario in Which Aliens Are Real -- Sputnik Obama: Proving UFOs exist 'wouldn't change my politics at all' -- The Hill 

Obama says he 'absolutely' wants to know more about UFOs and hopes they can unite us if they're real -- Business Insider 

Obama says he 'absolutely' wants to know what UFOs are, and he's hopeful -- CNET


Anonymous said...

those who know do not talk. those who do not know talk endlessly

Caecus said...

weapons against aliens? if they were in the solar system they could simply fling a couple of asteroids at us, we wouldn't even see them

Anonymous said...

Lapide's jealous.

anon said...

Obama gets ready to come out as a closet alien.

Anonymous said...

New religions, huh. What would Obama know about religions let alone new ones. To Obama a religion is just a gussy-upped political party. He has no comprehension. We have new religions. Falun Gong is new (1990s) and it didn't need sightings of UFOs or arrival of aliens to spark it.

Obama did nothing to help Falun Gong, Christians, or Uighurs while in office. He did set some land speed records for getting rich after office. I think he beat both AL Gore and Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Do I recall any commentary on this topic from him until it started coming out in the press and others did the footwork of getting documents released from "our public servants" via FOIA legislation passed when he was still a kid....?

Unknown said...

Wisdom is endless u fools