Saturday, June 26, 2021

Growing European Concerns That Covid-19's Delata Variant Is Spreading Throughout Europe

MSN/Washington Post: Covid-19 updates: Merkel warns Europe is ‘on thin ice’ as concerns about delta variant grow  

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that Europe remains “on thin ice” in its fight against the coronavirus, as experts predicted that the more infectious delta variant, which was first detected in India, would become the dominant variant across much of the continent by summer’s end. 

“We need to remain vigilant,” Merkel, who is set to leave office this year, said Thursday. “The newly arising variants, especially now the delta variant, are a warning for us to continue to be careful.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: It looks like the politicians, the media, and government agencies are prepping us to face a fourth wave later this summer.

Update #1: Russia is facing a burst of new infections from the Delta variant .... Russia registers a new high of 21,665 coronavirus cases since January 21 (TASS). And Australia's largest city is now placed under a two week lock-down .... 'Zero Covid' Sydney plunges into two week lockdown in struggle to control outbreak of Indian variant that has grown to 80 cases from 'patient zero' limo driver for air crew (Daily Mail).  

Update 2: WHO is issuing new warnings .... WHO: Delta Coronavirus Variant Spreading ‘Rapidly’ Among Unvaccinated Populations (US News and World Report). More here .... WHO urges fully vaccinated people to continue to wear masks as delta Covid variant spreads (CNBC).


Anonymous said...

Merkel of the disastrous energy, immigration, and defense policies. So she opined about COVID and we should believe her with her track record?

Anonymous said...

no. believez Trump. it is gone away he noted early on and so drink some shit like chlorox and you will be just fine and do not wear masks etc--and so he lost the election for stupidity

Anonymous said...

Dipfuck aka 1150 has not heard of laryngoscopy or using it as a way to hit the lining of the throat with UV..

Do you know what laryngoscopy is 11:50?

Also as NBC notes, Trump did not say what disinfectant. Demented Joe Biden said bleach. Trump did not say it. Joe says any old thing.

In fact ozone is a disinfectant and it is used in the body to treat disease.

Now go look up some more of your porn and go blind.

Anonymous said...

They stole hundreds of billions of the trillions used for the lockdown or more and gave it to themselves(Newsom,D governorof California great example took millions for his wine business).. and now they'll do it again to make you dependent on the state party which will(always has in history) become totalitarian, take your rights, take more of your money, make you poor, make you dependent and desperate so you don't dare to speak out.

If they propose another lockdown on shady science, we the people need to resist the tyrannical government, use the Nurnberg codes and publicly hang these traitors and criminally corrupt, or your children's children will not be free but slaves.

This far, no further.
We will resist.

You will be hung for your crimes against humanity.

Anonymous said...

They used fake PCR tests at too high cycles, against the explicit warning of the inventor, Dr. Mullis (Nobel prize winner and warned us of Fauci before he died a year before the "outbreak"

The same Democrats(and Republicans) like Fauci who attacked and lied about Trump--- see hydroxychloroquine (this lie killed tens of thousands alone!! They're psychopaths and in bed with big pharma who wants and is making hundreds of billions now and that's just the beginning) --- then used the fake PCR data/ false positives to whip the population into fear, while they promoted terrorism in your streets through antifa and BLM, which Democrat AGs, activists bailed out and released often without charges!!!!!!

They stole the election
They used unconstitutional mail in ballots with no oversight by the millions
They intimidated harassed and denied access to poll watchers, all documented, you can find it all online and in witness testimonials and camera recordings

It's despicable
The penalty is death

No less. Democracy cannot go on with such blatant disregard for it and such deep corruption and the use of terrorism ags treason to the constitution.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats and marxists and corporate media which long long ago sold you out to China are also the ones who promote Marxism, the end of the nuclear family through BLM(a typical totalitarian move to solidify a power grab by dismantling the family and making children snitch on you to protect the state party)

The change words and their meaning to subvert culture and law

They attack core aspects of the judeoChristian value system that's the bed rock and foundation of the west and enlightenment

They attack math and science as racist

They used identiies and cult indoctrination and mobs and physical attacks

They're out of control terrorists, marxists.

It'll be you or them

They'll change history

They say white men are evil, ignoring that only white men is the one race and gender that died in the hundreds of thousands to END slavery and free others.

They're twisted and sick and some are so sick it's indistinguishable from evil

But we know better

We try to embrace them and their evil for we trust in God.

So we will endure, but if they do not change their course we must fight this evil that's all consuming

Enemies foreign and within.

Make lists. Make plans. Wait patiently and protect the constitution at all costs. Without it your rights are gone.

Talk to your neighbours. Get ready for the worst but work towards the best for all.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

PS most importantly

IF YOU SEE A LEFT MOB ATTACK ANYONE WRONGFULLY ON TWITTER OR ELSE WHERE YOU MUST SPEAK UP!! this is how they win.. they're a minority, but vicious and evil is with them.

You must speak up to defeat evil.

Do not be silenced or silence will spread!!

Anonymous said...

Trump will be declared lawful president Aug 20th and Biden jailed. Be ready for the celebration

Anonymous said...

Francis, it's about time you lightened up.

Anonymous said...

Georgia deputy, an ex-Marine, was part of extremist cell, faces federal charges

Anonymous said...

August 15!
vindication time

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of this bullshit already. You have an immune system. People can get vaccinated if they want. This fear porn about what amounts to a seasonal endemic virus is complete and utter nonsense. I would expect WNU to be more rationale about this. Or at least provide a balanced perspective that includes all the harm the policies implemented to combat Covid have caused.

Anonymous said...

Idiot at 667 posted:

"Georgia deputy, an ex-Marine, was part of extremist cell, faces federal charges"

What did not carry?

Try theses search terms

+Othal +Toreyane +Resheen Wallace

Why not? Because the suspect is linked to 3 black supremacists groups?

Fla. Cop Shooter With Ties to Black Extremist Groups Captured

557, ajc and others make people like Griggers and Zamudio racists. PERIOD

I have no doubt that people have made or are making blacks racists.

I also have no doubt that the the primary driver of making people racists is on the Left.

557 has a lot to answer for.

Anonymous said...

ajc did cover it

They left out the guy's middle names so people would not get the wrong impression. So t did not show up in the search returns. I should have known better Journalism grads have been doing this since 1990. That is not showing pictures or releasing names, so people come to the correct conclusion.

Toreyane Resheen

They also left out two black racists groups from the new story. Why is that?

Also word count shows the journalism grads spill 3 times more ink on the who9te racists story than the black racists story. Cuz ya know you are 3 times deader when a white racists kills you than a black racists. So priorities people, priorities.