Friday, June 4, 2021

Growing Global Concerns On The Spread Of The Nepal Covid Variant

Daily Mail: Nepal Covid variant that was 'spread by Mount Everest climbers' is detected in US: Mutation is potentially 'vaccine-defeating' and even more infectious than other strains 

* A health expert says a variant of the coronavirus has emerged in Nepal, with at least one confirmed case in the US 

* It is said to be closely related to the Indian variant and South African variant, meaning it is more transmissible and could evade vaccines more easily 

* As many as 13 travelers from Nepal to Japan were spotted carrying the new strain, leading to theories that emerged during a hike on Mount Everest 

* Doctors tell they have not been able to confirm infections of the new variant, but that it could spread rapidly among unvaccinated people 

A coronavirus mutation that first cropped up in the nation of Nepal has been detected in the U.S, one health expert claims. 

Known as Delta+K417N, it is said to combine mutations from the Indian and South African variants. 

This means that, like the Indian variant, it is more transmissible and, like the South African variant, it is more evasive of COVID-19 vaccines.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Expect more variants to pop-up in the months to come.


More News On The Nepal Covid Variant  

What we know about the Nepal Covid variant -- The National 

Nepal variant: WHO says its ‘not aware’ of coronavirus strain after claims it could derail summer holidays -- Yahoo News 

‘Nepal mutation’ cited as UK renews Portugal travel restrictions -- NYPost 

'Nepal variant': What's the mutation stopping green list trips to Portugal? -- BBC


Anonymous said...

"could evade vaccines more easily"...............

Anonymous said...

Remember the Indian variant and how the UK for example used the danger of the Indian variant to keep the lockdowns coming back?

India's threatened to sue them, to prove the existence of the India variant.

Within hours the UK media dropped the story of an Indian variant and suddenly they talk about a nepali or a thai variant.


People wonder why politicians want more and more power and control over us...

They'll take us much as they can until you say stop. THEY remain free. YOU will be imprisoned. Don't confuse these two things.. look at them.. they all travel. Their businesses are not only open they made hundreds of percent more profit.

It's a coup
It's a global power grab

I do not know why. Maybe an ELE event(extinction of life event, like an asteroid).. something is up... they're all planning for mass unrest, mass food shortages.. they'r expanding the concentration camps/ health camps/reeducation camps

For some reason the world has turned totalitarian over night.

Barely anyone travels.

Everything is monitored

Speech is suppressed

People are deplatformed and demonetized

The largest transfer of wealth in human history is taking place

The media and government around the world colluded in misleading the public about the virus. They've lost all trust and all legitimacy.

Maybe aliens are about to arrive and they demand something.. or whatever..

They lied
They misled us
No one has isolated this virus ever
The PCR tests were misleading
The CDC guidance was misleading
The WHO guidance was misleading
Contesting opinions that turned out to be right were banned from big tech to Amazon book stores

Now what are we going to do with a tyrannical government that lied and misled us while they didn't stick to their own rules and enriched themselves and their corporate buddies, damaging democracy, capitalism, western society... all of it.

It's treasonous behaviour and a crime against humanity. And if they truly were just wrong, so wrong, on so many instances of the most pressing issues of the World today, then they've caused immeasurable damage through incompetence and must resign to avoid criminal persecution including losing sovereignty protection, ie being open to lawsuits as individuals.

That's what needs to happen.
From media to pharma to Fauci to any ngo that's misled the world and enriched itself.

Including public death penaltie

The world cannot remain free and continue this lie and coverup.

The tyranny will only get worse if you let them live with this crime as they'll need to get rid of the remaining loose ends and have a control grid in place to protect themselves from a very very pissed of population.

And on top of it all, they pushed untested(no longterm safety profile!!)mRNA therapy on a global population... the people at the Nuremberg trials were hung for less. Remember that!

It's reckless. It's dangerous. It's a crime against humanity. It's a spit in the face of democracy and any party that pushed for this in any country needs to be removed.

That's just my advice.

Stephen Davenport said...

Please stop with the variants, it a lame attempt at fear porn.