Friday, June 25, 2021

Nike Defends Its Business Interests In China


BBC: Nike boss defends firm’s business in China 

The boss of Nike has made a robust defence of the firm's business in China after facing a consumer boycott there. 

Chief executive John Donahoe said "Nike is a brand that is of China and for China" in response to a question about competition from Chinese brands. 

Mr Donahoe was speaking during a call with Wall Street analysts about Nike's latest earnings report. 

The comments come after the sportswear giant was recently hit by a backlash over statements about Xinjiang.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Nike is not the only American company defending their business interests in China. You have the NBA, Disney, Applied Materials, and hundreds if not thousands of business interests who want to see tariffs removed.

I visited a NIKE factory in Fujian in 1988 when I was working in that province. The Chinese appreciated the investment and the jobs that it created, and Nike appreciated how cheap they could produce their running shoes. When you pay your Chinese employees a few dollars a day, how can American workers compete.

I knew at that time that in the long run this was not sustainable for the U.S.. But this imbalance continues, and the US media narrative says this imbalance that favors China is a good thing .... U.S.-China trade dispute harms Americans (Politico). I hope I will be around when the American public finally wake-up to what is being done to them.


B.Poster said...

The factory workers get a better lifestyle than most Americans can ever hope to have. The company gets to provide a great product to the people at a cheaper price and better quality than union ingrates could ever provide. Perhaps the American public will someday wake up to what the union abusers and users have done to them and act accordingly. As for the Chinese, they simply provided a need, got rich, and laughed at us American idiots while doing it. As for American companies, they understood unions rule in America. Had Americans been smart enough to eject them from their midst they could have been rich beyond measure instead of Chinese factory workers!!

Anonymous said...

Fck them all
Fck Nike
I stopped buying Nike
I cancelled AT&T and Disney
Life is much better without them anyways

They'r also by the way, along with coca cola sponsoring much of the woke cult and critical race theory, ie they sponsor division in the country that made them rich.

If there's corporate treason, this is it.
I haven't had a Coke in 4 months and don't miss that racist drink. I'm white and no once tells me to be less white, you racist suppresive cunts and China appeasers. You're the modem day Nazi collaborators.

The brand coca cola is now associated with hatred and bigotry... not just diabetes and cancer... no no... they do all the good things

Anonymous said...

The first comment above ^ is spot on. America strangled itself and now can only blame China. Yes, there's a lot to blame China for (Whuhan, for one), and yes, it's a scumbag system, but the ultimate fault is our own because so many voters believed the politicians' lies and fell right into their trap of dividing America against itself. In return, we get to watch ourselves eat ourselves, with the latest course being Critical Race Theory. China looks at us and (rightly) discerns that this is a culture past maturity and descending into the Alheimer's phase of its history. Very sad, but we're not the first and won't be the last.

Anonymous said...

some day you will own a factory and then you will change your mind

Anonymous said...

"the last shall be first"
--bruce lee

Dave Goldstein said...

Buy NO Nike or anything else made in China.

Anonymous said...

I stopped order Chinese takeout and now, like Trump, eat only from Burger King