Thursday, June 3, 2021

No Dr. Fauci Email Questions Were Asked At Wednesday's White House Press Briefing

WNU Editor: The media have more important things to do right now .... Now WaPo Is Backpedalling About the COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory (Jim Treacher).


Anonymous said...

The media is clearly aligned with the Democrats who for a year painted everyone as dumb racist for believing or at least showing interest in the lab leak theory

On the most important and most pressing questions, from the election theft of the Democrats to the Wuhan lab leak, the medias colluded with the Democrats.

The Democrats are also the ones who used the virus outbreak to push for last minute changes to voting laws, allowing an unprecedented amount of mail in ballots to be used in an unconstitutional manner and with almost no oversight

Or as the left says"nothing to see here"WHILE they team up with BLM and Antifa to burn your streets ahead of the election and beat you into submission

It's a coup
They're in on it
Death to all of them

Unknown said...

A great strategic victory for the ChiComs me thinks. They've gotten rid of President Trump, who they thought was unpredictable & they never tested him for fear of reprisals. (unless covid was deliberately unleashed on the world) Trump has been replaced by an old man who allegedly has dementia. Win all the way for the CCP. Keep ducking 🙉