Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Pentagon Reviewing Policy That Would Permit Pride Flags To Be On Display At Bases

CNN: Pentagon reviewing policy that could open door to Pride flags being displayed at bases 

(CNN)The Pentagon is reviewing a policy instituted last year that limits which flags can be displayed at military bases. 

The review comes as Pride Month is being celebrated throughout June. If changes are made to the current policy it could open the door to allowing the rainbow Pride flag to be displayed. But a senior defense official strongly cautioned no decisions have been made because any change could result in any number of cause-related flags and symbols being displayed on military installations. "This goes beyond the issue of the Pride flag," the official said. 

"The truth is we haven't resolved it yet," the official said about any potential changes. The discussions involve Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's legal staff. Austin is aware of the matter, the official said.  

Read more .... 

Update: Pentagon reviewing policy limiting flags displayed at military bases: report (The Hill)  

WNU Editor: This is not your grand-father's military.


Jac said...

Well, next time it will be the white flag........

Anonymous said...

^ yep. This is too bizarre to be real. I wouldn't join the military today if they offered a free university PhD in the subject of my choice. They're obviously panicking, trying to find more grunt guts to grease to wheels of globalism.

Unknown said...

Russia engaged in cyber war with the USA, China committing genocide on minority groups, unleashing a bio weapon on the world amongst other dastardly deeds. In response the USA will fly flags for various minority groups from embassies, government buildings & military bases. The yanks are losing. Keep ducking 🙉

Jon said...

Will they also proudly tweet pics of shit stained teeth

Anonymous said...

Democrats efforts to destroy the US military from within, encouraged by CCP, continues...

Anonymous said...

Every flag is allowed to fly
The terrorist Marxist BLM flag was raised over all US embassies world wide... let that sink in. The peppethe frog meme flag? Outlawed. You get fired for having it.
Because media matters and these other demonic leftist ghouls say the meme is racist. Right.
The terror group that caused billions in direct damages and far more in damages to the image of the USA as a stable place... THAT flag is flown over your embassies

BLM wants to dismantle the nuclear family. That's a core Marxist principle in which they want the state/ the state party/ Democrat leftists to indoctrinate your children even more.
It's the last stage of the coup. The signalling before the next move.

They fly a terror group flag over your embassies. After they burned entire city blocks and killed nearly 30 people.

Is this a joke?
The US has become a laughing stock

I'm likely pulling my company. I'm not gonna work in a country under such conditions. It's insane. Up is down, left is right, murderers and drug dealers get their flag flown and get memorials and are compared to jesus. Are you insane!??