Friday, June 4, 2021

Picture Of The Day (And My Memories Of The Tiananmen Square Massacre)

A man stands in front of a convoy of tanks on the Avenue of Eternal peace in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, June 5, 1989. REUTERS/Arthur Tsang  

WNU Editor: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... Crackdown at Tiananmen Square, 32 years ago (Reuters).

It is hard to believe that this happened 32 years ago. 

But the memory that sticks in my mind is what a Chinese provincial premier told me 2 months prior to this crackdown in one of those banquets that the Chinese always enjoy having. I was working in China as a minor and humble diplomat at the time, and I asked him on what was going to happen. He warned me that the tanks were going to be sent in. I did not believe him at the time. How could you send in the tanks to crush what essentially were young students and the future of your country?

But crush them they did.

Over the years I have pondered those events. And upon reflection I have kicked myself that I all of people forgot the mentality of the Communist mind and how they enforce authority and power within their institutions and the civilian population that  they control. Especially since I am someone who lived, grew-up, and was exposed to all of this for most of my life in the former Soviet Union.

Flash forward to today.

There is currently a debate in the West on China's role in the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. What did they know? What measures did they really take? What was their goal?

But the overall mindset among many is that China would not have done this deliberately. Like what Dr. Fauci said yesterday in an interview .... "it is ridiculous to think that China would permit the spread of this disease".

All that I can say to people like Dr. Fauci is to remember Tiananmen Square. If the Chinese Communist leadership in Beijing were willing to send in the tanks to kill their own kids protesting in the streets, they sure as hell do not care about us. What they care about is power, and their commitment to a Communist/Marxist ideology (albeit a Chinese one). And if it means they must spread this pandemic beyond their borders to give them an advantage in the future. They would do so in a heartbeat.

A few years ago I read this and it has since become a part of American political culture .... 

.... “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has said. “Never waste a good crisis” is how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put it before a European audience last week. 

The author, Naomi Klein, has dubbed the exploitation of crisis for political ends “the shock doctrine.” Klein says it’s a special tactic of the right, but as Emanuel and Clinton make clear, it’s just how politics works (CATO Institute). 

The American political class are not the only ones who will not a waste a crisis. The Chinese have been practicing this philosophy for thousands of years


Anonymous said...

Its a very discouraging world we live in. In the next US election, the people have the opportunity to strike a major blow against tyranny by voting the immoral Democrats out of power. Will they do it? It is doubtful so long as the "press" is owned and controls by supporters of the Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...

I called it a first strike weapon in February 2020 on your blog

It has all the characteristics of a first strike weapon and a weaponized warfare agent

And it came at a time at conflict between the United states and China over the trade war which China lost and publicly so. US GDP was nearly twice as big than China's GDP and accelerating. Panick in Chinese stock markets. Industries leaving to neighbouring countries, like Vietnam and Thailand, where corruption is much lower and you don't have to partner with a communist state hellbent to exterminate much of the world, according to their own statements.

The panick was real. I know Chinese who openly talked about removing Xi. It was that bad. At the height of the crisis, they also suggested to take Taiwan then, as the trade war seems lost and they couldn't afford it anymore. The impending housing bubble in China was also bigger than in the US. Everything looked bleak.

Then. Suddenly. A virus from a food market.


China made trillions of the misery around the world, buying up property underneath the people's feet who're about to hang themselves. And our governments around the world did nothing. Our media colluded and attacked us.

It's payback time, end of the world level if the people who did this are not hung publicly.

It'll happen.
WW2 started over far far far less.

Trillions in economic damages
Billions traumatized
Millions dead
Our rights taken

The media colluded.
The politicians colluded.
Big tech colluded.

If the courts don't hold them accountable, the people will.

The crime is too big.