Thursday, June 10, 2021

President Biden Says The Greatest Threat To America Is Global Warming

WNU Editor: I thought racism and white supremacy was the greatest threat to America.


Anonymous said...

The greatest threat is the erosion of trust in public and private

Trust in media- all time low
Trust in government- all time low
Trust in courts- all time low
Trust in NGOs and non- profits- all time low

If you've got an illegitimate president in the oval office, it doesn't help

Biden did not win
The military should step in and end this charade for the sake of the country

AZuLike said...

Time to switch Narritives now. Covid old back to global warming. Go green all you want, not going to make a difference. Not when you got places like Mexico,China,India ect producing coal and ect.

Anonymous said...

In most of the US for eight months of the year either need or want the heat to come on. The air conditioning is only used 120 days max per year.

2/3rds versus one third

Which is greater?

Do not ask a liberal for the answer.

They either do not know or are a lying sack of shit.

Anonymous said...

Trump won. Benford analysis proves it. We know you are not good with mathematic or grammar, but get it through your tiny head, which is smaller than the one below your belt.

Anonymous said...

The Pew Research Center surveys show majorities of the citizens across the countries — more than 6 in 10 in each — express confidence in Biden to “do the right thing” in world affairs.

Biden arrived in Britain on Wednesday on the first leg of his first overseas trip, hoping to reestablish the United States’ global standing and reinforce partnerships with key European allies.

Favorable ratings of the U.S. have started to rebound after declining considerably during Donald Trump’s four years as president, growing as much as 30 percentage points since last year in partner nations like France and Germany. In 2020, positive views of the U.S. reached or neared low points in these two countries, as well as the United Kingdom, Canada and Japan.

In France, for example, 65% now have a favorable view of the U.S., up from 31% last year. No more than half in France rated the U.S. positively during Trump’s presidency, but at least 6 in 10 had during each of Barack Obama’s eight years as president.

And 74% of the public in France say they have confidence in Biden, a Democrat, to do the right thing regarding world affairs, compared with just 11% saying that for Trump, a Republican, last year. Across 12 countries surveyed in both 2020 and 2021, the gap in confidence in the two presidents is at least 40 percentage points — in Biden’s favor in all 12.

Biden seeks to reaffirm to allies his commitment to the U.S. role abroad, which stands in contrast to Trump’s “America First” approach. Biden will initially meet with Group of Seven leaders before continuing on to Brussels for a NATO summit, a meeting with heads of the European Union and several face-to-face meetings with other world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva.

Even as the U.S. global standing is rosier among the citizens of these nations around the world, Biden faces challenges as he looks to transition the U.S. out of the Trump era. The surveys find many nations skeptical of the U.S., both as a global partner and as a functioning democracy.

No more than 2 in 10 across the 16 countries say the U.S. is a “very” reliable partner, with majorities in most calling the U.S. “somewhat” reliable. In Canada, France, Spain and Greece, roughly a third say the U.S. is not reliable as a global partner.

Germany is the only nation surveyed where a majority say relations with the U.S. will improve in the next few years. Across most other countries, more think the relationship will stay the same rather than get better.

The state of U.S. democracy also earns mixed reviews around the world. In Canada, for example, 6 in 10 say the political system in the U.S. does not work well, as do about two-thirds of Australians and New Zealanders. About 4 in 10 in France and Spain say the U.S. democracy is working poorly, compared with slim majorities who say it does work at least somewhat well. In Germany and the U.K., people are closely divided.

And majorities across most of the 16 countries say the U.S. democracy “used to be a good example, but has not been in recent years.”


Pew Research Center conducted surveys with a total of 16,254 adults in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, South Korea, Taiwan and the U.K. from March 12 through May 26.

Anonymous said...

Trump won? that is why he is in the White House?
that is why he is thinking of running for House seat at midterms?
That is why he is touring Europe?
That is why K. Harris speaking for White House?

Anonymous said...

Biden--the president--said Global Warming our biggest threat. Perhaps Breitbart and Hannity got mixed up again.

Anonymous said...

Just keep thinking that way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You should listen to Biden, but it doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

Lapides troll

You have not analyzed the 12 charts. All you have done is regurgitated the vomit from a poorly educated reporter.

The Australian chart is very interesting. Why does the chart not look like that of the eurotrash countries? The South Korean and Japanese are interesting tooo. They do not match the Eurotrash.

Seems to me that in Australia they have a better record of calling things straight like calling Biden senile. Maybe the journalism establishment and how they pick people to poll, have more to do with it.

How good can a poll of Germany and France be when they have obvious sick, mentally and physically, leaders like Macron and Merkel and they are still in power?

Wasn't Prime Minsters Shaky (Merkel;) supposed to step down. She said about a year ago she would. She is moving into Lukashenko territory, but she is sneaky about . Her replacement all the sudden got cold feet and , so here we are and we have Merkel still around shaking her booty and the rest of her body.