Friday, June 25, 2021

Russian Diplomat Says U.S. And The U.K Are 'Trying To Provoke A Conflict' After Black Sea Warship Incident


NBC/Reuters: Russia accuses U.S., U.K of 'trying to provoke conflict' after Black Sea warship incident 

"Washington and London are denying reality... they are trying to provoke conflict," said Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. 

MOSCOW — Russia accused Britain and the United States on Friday of trying to incite conflict in the Black Sea and said it would defend its borders using all possible means, including military force.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was speaking a day after Moscow warned Britain it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if what it called provocative actions by the British navy were repeated off the coast of Russia-annexed Crimea. 

Russian news agency RIA quoted Ryabkov as saying Washington and London were sowing strife in the region by failing to accept Crimea as a part of Russia. 

Russia considers the peninsula part of its territory. It annexed Crimea in 2014, but it is internationally recognized as part of Ukraine.  

Read more ....  

Update: Russian Diplomat Slams UK, US for Trying to Foment Tensions Around Black Sea Incident (Sputnik) 

WNU Editor: British PM is defending his country's actions by claiming that Crimea does not belong to Russia .... Boris Johnson defends war ship against Russian claims (SKY News). Someone should remind the British PM that the last time British forces confronted Russian forces in this area, British forces were slaughtered by the Russian army, resulting in the poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade".


Anonymous said...

Charge of the Light Brigade happened not because the Russians were heads and shoulders above the Brits, but because the Brits unquestionably followed orders and the orders were garbled.

The Russian won that battle and lost the war. The Russians should have marched into Istanbul, but they could not because of the British.

Unknown said...

The Battle of the Alma was a very hard fought savage battle with very heavy casualties on both sides. British infantry regiments, almost wiped out, formed around the colours of other regiments. Men from 2,3 or 4 regiments spontaneously formed battalions & continued to fight the battle & eventually won. Positions were taken, lost & retaken at the point of the bay'net. The Russians came close to winning it. A hint of what was to come in 1914. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

1. We just witnessed the largest transfer of wealth in human history
2. Any war or incident that is not addressing this issue, the theft of trillions under the pretext of a pandemic, is a distraction meant to give the corrupt monsters who did all this more time to get away with it

Do not get distracted
Trillions have been taken from you and your children
You're being made dependent on the state soon
Your freedoms and rights are taken

Do not support any war other than a war against the people who used the "outbreak"(it wasn't, it's a weaponized program) to enrich themselves

THEY are the enemy of humanity
THEY must be trialled and hung publicly for all to see that the time of oligarchy criminals is over!!


Anonymous said...

1. who
2. what
3. whom
4. when
5. how
6. where

Anonymous said...

Follow the money

Anonymous said...

Since the 1990s and more so since 911, people look at the lost opportunity to take Istanbul in the 1850s and the 1870s. Sure people fear a large Empire like Russia, but people wonder if it might have been better, if the Ottomans had fallen in the 19th century.

WW1 is looked upon as a stupid mistake of a war.

Anonymous said...

Two issues.

1. Who would win. Your bet is Russia, but the UK wouldn't be alone.

2. Who is in the right? Russia doesn't own Crimea. You (the editor) don't get to hold up international norms when defending freedom of navigation in the South China sea and then sink to 'might-makes-right' in Crimea.

Why are your positions inconsistent?

Jac said...

I feel that is mostly Putin who is talking to Biden. In Geneva Putin make his own evaluation of Biden, and now use it.

Anonymous said...

Wnu has been inconsistent for very very long

He was one of the first outlets to legitimise the corrupt entity currently sitting in the oval office

He's pushed the covid pandemic hoax and ignoring all the stories coming out about the fake PCR tests that were used to scare the entire global population

Whenever there's a WW2 anniversary he talks a big story about mother Russia, fully ignoring the war crimes committed by Russia before, during and after WW2

I'm sick of wnu..fck this blog and the lies

Stephen Davenport said...

Umm, The British won that war there WNU dude, The Charge of the Light Brigade was also a win.

Anonymous said...

"He was one of the first outlets to legitimise the corrupt entity currently sitting in the oval office"
prove it is not legitimate...facts, data and not I think or Trump said

Anonymous said...

The blog meister is a russian stooge....taking Canadian dollars at the same time for doing something (we don't know what) for himself and his meisters 'back home'.

Anonymous said...

"The world is ruled by the aggressive use of force." - Rush Limbaugh

Rush did not say it was good or it was right, but that it was reality. He was the mayor of Realville.

Another way of saying it, is possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Two reason have been given for the Poltiburo assigning Crime to Ukraine. One was to change the ethnic demography of Ukraine by adding is Ethnic Russian heavy Crimea to it. In America this is known as redistricting or gerrymandering. It is an old trick. I guess human minds think alike.

The other reason was for Kruschev to make an end run around the Ukrainian #1 guy so he could climb higher up the ladder. Kruschev had been n charge of stamping out the Ukrainian partisans in Western Ukraine., It was brutal. Some people in the Soviet Union criticized Kruschev for the right reasons and/or ulterior motives. This redistricting was to mollify a Kruschev critic.

The CIA supplied the Ukrainian resistance. They looked at the situation and saw a way to hurt the Russians and they took it.

Wilsonian principles demand that Crimea be Russian. I think the Russians went about it wrong. A better solution would be to combine the Ukraine and Russia into a p0an Slavic union op0n the way to a world government, but cabalists are not mature and that is just a freaking pipe dream.

The Russians are using force. The Beltways is not above using force although at times it is schizophrenic and will flagellate itself. That flagellation is not so much self reflection as a splinter group using hybrid warfare within the overall group to climb to the top.

Unknown said...

Moscow will fall

Unknown said...

St Petersburg will fall