Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Russian Forces Block US Military Patrol In Northeast Syria For Not Giving Prior Notice As Per Disengagement Agreements


New Arab: Russian troops block US patrol in northern Syria for 'violating security protocol'  

The US patrol did not give prior notice to the Russians when they allegedly violated a disengagement agreement. 

Russian soldiers blocked the path of a US military patrol in northeastern Syria on Saturday for allegedly violating a security protocol, according to Russian media. 

Four US armoured vehicles were turned back along the M4 road, 10 kilometres west of the town of Tal Tamr, Hassakeh province, after Russian troops intervened, state-controlled outlet RT reported, quoting Kurdish sources. 

This was allegedly due to the US violating existing security protocols between Moscow and Washington. 

Russia claimed the US did not give prior notice to the troop movements as per a "disengagement" agreement.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Russia Blocks US Patrol in NE Syria Over Past Deals (Antiwar.com)  

Update #2: Russian forces block US military patrol in northeast Syria (Press TV)  

WNU Editor: I still do not understand why US forces are still in Syria.


B.Poster said...

When in a hole, the best thing to do, stop digging!! In this case, "turn around" is going to be a better option than violating the agreement.

Anonymous said...

"I still do not understand why Russian forces are still in Syria."

Assad invited in the Russkis and he was elected. So all good, right?

Assad's election was as fair as the Luckyshenko election in Belarus.

A decent reason to be in Syria is to help the Kurds. Problem is that there are a few reasons the US is in Syria and they keep changing back and forth.

Trump was right in leaving Syria. Clausewitz would approve. The reasons for going in have to be made explicit and fixed, written down. They can't be ever changing like a cirrus cloud.

People complain the Afghans did not fight hard enough. Well the Kurds fight plenty hard. So they are decent enough allies in that regard.

Poster missed his calling, He should have been a miner. That troll can dig like a person possessed by a demon.

B.Poster said...

Anon 12:27,

In my considered opinion, your post is actually a very good one and you essentially nail it with your pointing out of our inconsistent Syrian policy.

Unfortunately in your last paragraph you needlessly insult me. Such baseless insults are unnecessary and contribute nothing of value to the discussion.

The article is very limited on details. We aren't told what kind of firepower the Russians had during the engagement nor are we provided details about the agreement. I disagree with the assertion that it means "weakness" to "turn around." Otherwise we could never have successful diplomacy. Furthermore violations of agreements with foreign powers are going to lead major complications as well.

Essentially insomuch as continuing with our inconsistent and flared Syrian policy is a waste of resources and does not enhance our national security and makes things worse the analogy of digging a hole for oneself applies here and when in such a situation the best thing to do truly is to stop digging!! Essentially Trump was right we needed to get out. Perhaps you want to defend our Syrya policy. Frankly that would be more productive than baseless insults.

Finally, as for the Kurds, I'm not sure they've ever had realistic expectations as to what we can do for them. I'd liken it to someone trying to purchase a million dollar home when they don't have the resources to do so. I suspect operating with realistic expectations within their traditional strongholds in Syria they will do fine.

fazman said...


fazman said...

Problem is that the us keeps lying to and .silencing the Kurds since 91...they're payment with interest is long over due

fazman said...

Misleading , not silencing. Damn auto predict ph

Anonymous said...

Fazman It is why I said the US had several reasons to be in Syria and they shift from day to day. The reasons are like musical chairs of they keep adding reasons. There might be 535 reason plus however many there are in the White House, State Department and Pentagon.

People have pointed out that most of the Kurds are Muslim and will disappoint. The argument has some worth, Disappointing us or not having a Kurdish nation I believe will have a salubrious effect on the middle east.

The French and British, Turks and Arabs have had their way on drawing borders. Why not try letting the Kurds have their own border.

We kind of drew ethnic borders in Europe in 1918 and 1945. Kind of. We there were those French assholes...

Anonymous said...

Syria and the Kurds could give two shits about America. They have their historical hard scrabble ground to fight over. Getting rid of the war powers act and putting the responsibility of military actions in the hands of congress puts it back in the hands of the people and the people wouldn't have us in Syria. Meanwhile back in this country. Our academia on whole has become a national nightmare. If the kurds would come here and start killing professors and teacher union acolytes I might be more supportive. But they don't care we are being attacked from a fifth column. Meanwhile on the border.

If the Israelis or nato would come help stop the invasion of America, I might be supportive of helping them but they could give two shits about America. I've been forced to wear a dirty mask for a year because of a cold virus that killed allegedly 31 people in my county in 2020. Meanwhile, for all other causes, 1250 people died during the same time period. 5 people a month die in my county from fetanyl. But hell, Don't protect our border.

I'm a born a raised cold warrior, but now, anymore, I'm out.


B.Poster said...


LMAFO?? I didn't see anything funny on any of the posts. Perhaps my analysis or that of someone else is flawed but certainly not humorous. The Kurds are a very resourceful people who have done well for centuries. It is my considered opinion that with realistic expectations they can and will thrive.

It is perhaps true that the US leadership has mislead and lied to the Kurds. The problem was/is the expectations they were given were not/are not realistic and the Kurds should have known this. It begs the question of whose dumber our leadership class or the Kurds? While it's debatable in this case, I would say it is the Kurds who were/are dumber. As humans, we have all done stupid stuff at one time or another. It's important that we learn from it and try and not repeat the same mistakes.:-)

"They're payment with interest is long overdue." Very respectfully what they were "promised" by America was never in the realistic realm of possibility to be delivered and frankly they should have known that. Furthermore it is easy for you to say this. As an Aussie, your loved ones lives and their just interests aren't in danger of being sacrificed in order to fulfill an unrealistic obligation.

Unknown said...

Usa general s are lost couzzzz

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

poster still digging 'like a mother fuck'