Saturday, June 12, 2021

Russian President Putin Says Current U.S. - Russian Relations Have ‘Deteriorated To Its Lowest Point’ In Years


NBC: In NBC interview, Putin calls Trump 'colorful' but says he can work with Biden 

Putin told NBC's Keir Simmons that accusations that he is a "killer" are "Hollywood macho." 

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an exclusive interview Friday with NBC News, called former President Donald Trump a "colorful individual" and said he can work with President Joe Biden. Putin compared the two presidents at a time when relations between Russia and the United States are at a historic low and ahead of the Russian leader's upcoming summit with Biden. 

"Well even now, I believe that former U.S. president Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual, otherwise he would not have become U.S. president," Putin told NBC's Keir Simmons during a wide-ranging and, at times, contentious interview. 

"He is a colorful individual. You may like him or not. And, but he didn't come from the U.S. establishment. He had not been part of big-time politics before, and some like it, some don’t like it but that is a fact."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I agree with Putin. I now have to go back to the Cold War to see relations this bad .... Putin: Relationship with U.S. has ‘deteriorated to its lowest point’ in years (Politico). 

Russian President Putin's assessment on former President Trump in the above NBC article is correct. Former President Trump's approach towards Russia and his willingness to find common ground with Putin was also the right approach. We now know that Trump-Putin made a point of talking to each other regularly on the phone. Direct discussions that I am sure helped to minimize a crisis or two.

As to the current US policy on Russia. It is wrong on so many levels, and very dangerous for both countries. This lack of communication between the two sides is especially troublesome. I understand that both leaders have rarely talked to each since the start of the Biden Presidency, and on the few times that they did talk, it was basically both sides reading from a prepared text.


Anonymous said...

I don't care. I hate Trump. Wah wah wah wah. Diaper change time, children?

Jac said...

How communication with Biden is possible? If Putin want an exchange of idea with Biden, he will find him with an empty mind.

Adam said...

For quite a long time I've been very frustrated with our government's approach toward Russia. They certainly are no angels but I feel like we have so much more in common culturally with them. The cold war is over and we constantly antagonize them. I'm not a big fan of Putin but Indo respect that he's doing his job and looking out his country pretty well. I wish so much that we could be allies someday. It would be a very solid alliance against our obvious true enemy and existential threat, China.

Anonymous said...

Democrats wanted to destroy President Trump and they used Hillary Clinton’s campaign team to concoct a Russian collusion story. Democrats were happy to destroy US-Russian relations if that’s what it took to take down Trump.

The world is far more dangerous to the USA because Democrats demonized Russia, forced sanctions. Drove Russia to embrace China over phony charges all because they feared and hated President Trump.

Anonymous said...

Demonized Russia?
you think that Putin/s rule is democratic benign leadership? you do not read the papers then. Russia is aggressive, a nation led by a guy who murders opposition figures. Keep up your commie love affair then and see where that lead to. Are you a marxist Republican?

Anonymous said...

you think that Putin/s rule is democratic benign leadership?

Neither is the US

Anonymous said...

it will be restored now that Barr and Trump gone...
just read--know how?--what the attorney general has to say about voting rights.
tip: that Putin needs to make silly remarks about the American president past and present, is not very smart and reveals his fears, fears that he no longer has a yes man in place and America will now stand up to this thug that rules Russia

Anonymous said...

You loons don’t know nuttin. The Soviet Union was worse in all aspects than Russia today. Back then there were gulags, thousands more nuclear weapons, half of Europe occupied by Russia, massive US armies faced off against the Soviet Union.

Now due to fools starting with Hillary and hundreds of Dem leaders, Russia has been cornered into chinas orbit and China is far worse than the Soviet Union was or dreamed of being.

Anonymous said...

All nations were worse in the past than at present. No point to what is said above.
We still have Russia as a confrontational enemy. The cold war lasted till the soviet union went bust. what remains is same Russia in a newer form. not sure? where do you think ransom attacks coming from, Haiti?

Anonymous said...

let us now embrace marxist/communist Russia!! our new best pal

Anonymous said...

Lapides, you taught (ahem) your male ex-student better than that!

Anonymous said...

What I learned was from your sister on her knees giving me a blow job
was she good for you too?

Anonymous said...

Surely you can't be as stupid as you come off in your commenting.

Anonymous said...

HANG the Democrats that committed the election theft

HANG the Democrats who sold you out to China

HANG the Democrats who used the Wuhan virus and the false positives(too high PCR cycles) to push for last minute unconstitutional mail in ballots in the millions with no oversight and then denied poll watchers access


Hang those at the top.
Or the West will collapse into corruption.

Mark my words.
Either that or the corruption will get worse still