Thursday, June 3, 2021

Should The US Be Concerned That China Is Gaining Ground In Space?

Carrier rocket Long March-5 Y3 is being vertically transported to the launching area of Wenchang Space Launch Center in south China's Hainan Province, Dec. 21, 2019. (Photo by Tu Haichao/Xinhua) China is gaining ground in space. Should the US be concerned?  

This May, China landed a rover on Mars, expanding the nation's growing presence in space. The feat showed the world the nation's space capabilities and fueled fires anew of competition in space, but is there truly cause for concern? 

China became the second nation ever to successfully land on Mars when its Zhurong rover touched down May 14 on the Martian plain of Utopia Planitia . Zhurong's arrival followed NASA's successful landing of its own Perseverance rover in Jezero Crater on Mars Feb. 18. This step is one of many being taken by China to expand its presence in space, including the development of a space station and continued exploration of the far side of the moon by its lunar rover Chang'e 4.  

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WNU Editor: I would be more concerned on the lack of interest among many Americans on their own space program than on what China is doing.

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

America has numerous problems right now. As such, it's not hard to understand why many of us aren't giving a space program much thought. It's kind of like if one can barely feed, clothes, house, and provide even the most basic health care for their family they're not going to spend much time thinking about luxury cruises.

If America is to be a major world power, a viable space program is vital. Right now SpaceX is doing some amazing things. I'd express this article another way. Is this something China should be worried about? Right now I'd say no but I never expected the upstart SpaceX to achieve what they have. As Warren Buffet once put it, don't bet against America!!