Thursday, June 24, 2021

Taiwan's Foreign Minister Says Taiwan Needs To Prepare For Conflict With China


CNN: Taiwan's foreign minister says 'we need to prepare' for military conflict with China 

Taipei, Taiwan (CNN)China's escalating military intimidation of Taiwan shows the self-governed island "needs to prepare" for a possible military conflict, Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said in an exclusive interview with CNN. 

His warning came one week after the island reported the largest daily incursion by Chinese military planes into Taiwan's self-declared Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). 

The incursion -- by 28 Chinese warplanes including fighter jets and bombers -- did not violate Taiwanese sovereign airspace or international law, but it was seen as show of strength by China's People's Liberation Army. 

Read more .... 

 Update: Taiwan needs to prepare for military conflict with China, says foreign minister Wu (Hindustan Times)  

WNU Editor: China has been making its intentions very clear for a very long time .... Chinese Defense Ministry: Taiwan independence means war (Jerusalem Post/Reuters)


Adam said...

He's just stating this now!? Am I missing something?

Unknown said...

Chinese government will b sabotage soon

Unknown said...

Doomed day 4 u fools

Unknown said...

Free all Chinese people now

Unknown said...

Or hell will wait 4 u ass

Unknown said...

Death 666

B.Poster said...


"He's just stating this now?" "Am I missing something?"

While I do not "know," I've long suspected Taiwan isn't even a serious country. They won't even do something basic like develop a robust nuclear deterrent. I think they have concluded that reunification with China is inevitable and even desire it and their current policies are designed with the goal in mind to achieve the best possible conditions when reunification actually does occur. Perhaps negotiations have hit snag, he feels stressed, and his guard came down. Taiwan has no real plan to confront China other than stringing America along to take casualties for them and to abandoned by them at a future date.

At a minimum, our leadership class should insist that Taiwan work towards a robust nuclear deterrent as well as develop an ability to operate fully independently from the US in a military conflict with definite date certain timeframes on when this needs to be achieved and they need to be willing to work with us a equal partners. Failure on their part to take such basic steps will mean the end of all aid.

Anonymous said...

You miss a lot all the time posterboy. You're in your own troll world.

B.Poster said...

If you think I am missing something, please elaborate. I might learn something. Insults are not helpful and contribute nothing of value to the discussion.

I would actually suggest it is you who is the troll. Rather than address the topics at hand you choose to engage in ad hominem attacks against me and possibly others. Perhaps you do this because you have nothing useful to contribute on your own or perhaps you do this to avoid having address my points or to engage in a serious dialogue.

At this point, I have serious doubts as to whether or not Taiwan is a serious country and such a statement by the foreign minister as this is, to me at least, considerable evidence that my doubts may be justified and before continuing to support Taiwan, at a minimum, I would want them to address these very legitimate concerns as the lives of Americans and our national security interests are at stake here.