Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Biden Administration Circles The Wagons Around Dr. Fauci After The Release Of His Covid-19 Emails


Daily Mail: 'No': Jen Psaki gives a very blunt response when asked if Biden would ever fire Fauci after president said he had 'full confidence' in medical advisor - despite the 'lab leak' emails 

* There are no circumstances under which President Joe Biden would consider firing Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House said 

 * 'No,' said White House press secretary Jen Psaki when asked about the option 

* President Joe Biden said he is 'very confident' in Dr. Fauci 

* Fauci under fire for revelations in his released emails about COVID pandemic 

* 'Yes I'm very confident in Dr. Fauci,' Biden told 

 * Republicans demanded access to all Fauci emails and want him to testify 

* White House has been unwavering in its support for Fauci 

* Biden is throwing more support to him by sending Fauci to visit a vaccination clinic at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem on Sunday with first lady Jill Biden 

There are no circumstances under which President Joe Biden would consider firing Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House said on Friday. 

'No,' said White House press secretary Jen Psaki when asked about the option. 

For the second day in a row she fielded questions about Fauci in the wake of questions surrounding his released emails, calling him a 'renowned' figure. And, for the second day in a row, she defended the doctor.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Biden says he's 'very confident' in Fauci after thousands of emails revealed (FOX News)  

Update #2: White House defends Fauci amid attacks over newly released emails (Yahoo News)  

WNU Editor: The above President Biden video is weird. Just as he leaves the room the question is asked if he has confidence in Dr. Fauci .... and after a certain period of time he pokes his head out and says yes. And then he pokes his head back in.

In the meantime, the Biden Administration is saying there are no circumstances under which President Joe Biden would consider firing Dr. Anthony Fauci (see video below). 

Some in the press are also now saying there is nothing in his emails (see bottom ABC video). 

I cannot say that I am surprised by what the White House Press Secretary said today. She is defending the top US government official on Covid-19. 

But the ABC news video makes me wonder if the reporter really read the emails to justify her quick dismissal of its contents. I would think that she would start by asking certain questions on what Dr. Fauci said in public, and what he wrote in his emails. Such as ..... his belief that masks are ineffective. His approval of money to organizations that gave US taxpayer funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. His quick dismissal of claims that this may have been an engineered coronavirus. Just to name a few. But no. The official line from this news media organization is that there is nothing to see here. Move on.


RussInSoCal said...

Saint Fauci's 80 page book, "Expect The Unexpected", has been scrubbed From Amazon.

If you're a staunch Democrat apparatchik and you've lost Amazon, your days are numbered.



Anonymous said...

The huge unanswered question is why Fauci sent US taxpayer money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, (an enemy of the US) to make a bioweapon for China. Something stinks here, and Biden and the US media are conspiring to cover this up. This is why Americans can not trust their government.

Anonymous said...

Federal Government Funneled $123 Million and Pentagon Funneled $39 Million to Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – Group that Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan

US Govt. to EcoHealth Alliance to Wuhan P4 Lab


Ecoheath got 162 million. How many millions did they send to Wuhan?

Is it okay if a middle man gives the $$$, but not the US government?

Why is Daszak so outraged? Because a good offense is a good defense and he does not want to go to prison.

Why is the NIH and the CIA asking 3rd parties to do what they are prohibited from doing? Seems to be a trend.

Corona gain of function research is similar to the experiments of Unit 731 and the Mengele. The US and USSR did not destroy the test results. It was done. Preserving test results is not the same as conducting the tests.

The gain of function information can be had through physical chemistry and computer modeling. Models are and theories are becoming better and computing power is growing. It might take a decade or two longer, but you are not putting people at risk or killing them.

Dave Goldstein said...

Sounds like they are setting up Fauci for jail time. Anytime the demorats start talking like how great someone is right before the other shoe falls

Anonymous said...

How could they give Fauci jail time. He is 80. They really could. Assuming a fast trial, he would be 81 or 82. With a fall from grace, his health would deteriorate, so he might look and feel old real fast.

I believe he funded gain of function research. I would like to see him in jail. But I would pass on an 80 year old Fauci, however much I dislike him, if jailing him meant they could sweep it under the rug.

Gotta keep eyes on the prize and the prize is better government and not periodically being handed scapegoats (sops).

Getting Fauci and only Fauci is like company doing something illegal, making billions, and getting fined millions.

Anonymous said...

Is Fauci a fall guy?

By Thomas Lifson

Adding to and retailing the comments of Sundance of Conservative Treehouse.

Anonymous said...

Fauci's wife needs an investigation, too

Fauci in a recent interview, calling him an "absolute dictator" who turned the NIH "into an incubator for pharmaceutical products[.] ... [A]ll he does is develop new drugs and get us addicted to them. Now, under his watch, we take more drugs than anybody in the world, we paid the highest prices for them, and we have the worst health outcomes, and that is all Tony Fauci."

- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of Children's Health Defense

"The Moderna vaccine — his agency owns half, but six of the top guys who work for him own pieces of that patent, so they will each get $150,000 a year for life for every patent that they own." I

Anonymous said...

Always funny how Dr. Fauci, a run-of-the-mill gov't advisor, riles up the CHUDS.

The CHUD is easily riled.

Anonymous said...

Fauci statements public (TV appearances) and private (email) versus an ad hominem attack by a nameless troll (8:09)