Friday, June 4, 2021

The U.S. Is The Exception In The Western World When It Comes To Voter ID

John R. Lott Jr., Real Clear Investigations: America the Outlier: Voter Photo IDs Are the Rule in Europe and Elsewhere 

Democrats and much of the media are pushing to make permanent the extraordinary, pandemic-driven measures to relax voting rules during the 2020 elections – warning anew of racist voter “suppression” otherwise. Yet democracies in Europe and elsewhere tell a different story – of the benefits of stricter voter ID requirements after hard lessons learned. 

A database on voting rules worldwide compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center, which I run, shows that election integrity measures are widely accepted globally, and have often been adopted by countries after they've experienced fraud under looser voting regimes.

Of 47 nations surveyed in Europe -- a place where, on other matters, American progressives often look to with envy -- all but one country requires a government-issued photo voter ID to vote. The exception is the U.K., and even there voter IDs are mandatory in Northern Ireland for all elections and in parts of England for local elections. Moreover, Boris Johnson’s government recently introduced legislation to have the rest of the country follow suit. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I live in Canada and voter ID is required for all elections. So when I hear politicians and pundits in the U.S. say voter ID is racist and will suppress votes .... my response is WHAT!?!?!? 

Look at other countries with voter ID before passing judgement. 

Canada's voter participation in elections is high. Ballots are counted by hand with observers from all political parties present. No machines are used. And our results are almost always known within a few hours. And here is the important part .... almost everyone is satisfied with the result, accuracy, and fairness of the vote.


X said...

ID # and social are already required to vote they have those verified before they cast you’re ballot so adding a new iD is dumb

Anonymous said...

UK here, voter ID required.
Only in the brainwashed leftist/ Democrat fanatic mindset is a voter ID racist. They are completely programmed to just parrot and "think" whatever the media tells them.
Without ID, democracy fails. That simple.
Look at what happened during the election. It's so contested that it's basically creating a "not my president"camp that's enormously large. And it's unnecessary. Based on leftist media lies. And the low information voters/ Democrat party croniism enablers eat it up.

Anonymous said...

Your average Democrat thinks black people are too stupid to get IDs.

Head Democrat in Charge Joe Biden thinks average and above average blacks are too stupid to retain the services of lawyers and accountants.

The bigotry of low expectations is something of which Democrats have a surfeit.

Jac said...

Only partisans of fraud are against ID for voting.

Unknown said...

Vote is a form of mind control

Anonymous said...

Now now now, un-man.