Friday, June 11, 2021

Time Magazine Goes All-In On Supporting President Biden

Time magazine has come under fire for its fawning cover of Joe Biden looking younger with Vladimir Putin reflected in his aviator sunglasses  

Daily Mail: 'What kind of fan fiction comic book is this?' Time magazine is mocked for its fawning cover with wrinkle-free Biden in aviators 'taking on Putin' ahead of their meeting at Geneva summit 

* Time magazine's latest cover is a fawning picture of Joe Biden with Vladimir Putin reflected in his aviators 

* It came as Biden prepares to meet with Putin at a summit in Geneva next week 

* Twitter users ripped the art with snippy critiques, gifs, memes and jokes about the 78-year-old Biden's age 

* 'What in the hell kind of fan fiction comic book is this cover?' one user said 

* Some played off Donald Trump's advice for Biden: 'Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin - don't fall asleep during the meeting' 

Time magazine's fawning cover of Joe Biden looking younger with Vladimir Putin in his aviator sunglasses is Twitter's newest meme playground, with the president's critics ripping into the publication. 

In Time's tweet introducing the cover, the magazine wrote: 'Biden takes on Putin,' which elicited an onslaught of snippy jokes about 78-year-old Biden's age and gifs of Putin laughing on Twitter. 

'What in the hell kind of fan fiction comic book is this cover?' one user said.  

Read more .... 

Update: TIME cover blasted for over-the-top attempt to make Biden ‘look cool’ ahead of Putin meeting (FOX News)  

WNU Editor: And Western media laughs at how Russian media covers Russian President Putin.


Anonymous said...

State different than Russia, China, North Korea....

Jac said...

We are not definitively in Democracy.

Anonymous said...

I'm Brazilian and I'm with Putin for whatever happens

RussInSoCal said...

Pravda wood be proud.

Anonymous said...

ah, Fox does not approve? tough shit. America is back and Time, always reflecting America, knows that.

RussInSoCal said...

Yeah. America is back kissing the asses of China and Russia. Just like OBambi did. Bambi even said so.

Anonymous said...

Issing ass of Russia?
Biden has already called out Putin and Trump in 4 years never once--not once--said a bad thing about Russia. Prove me wrong.

Anonymous said...

The problem was and still is the leftist fanatic mindset dominating so much of media Hollywood and new York before.. now with the fanatic, occult left also spreading their mental disease and occult into silicon valley and beyond, it's reached critical mass. I know of several people who no longer want to move to the US. I myself am likely pulling my business. The left is insane and destroys your country. Stop these people

Ron said...

TIME magazine still exists?

Anonymous said...

yep. and still more reliable than Breitbart and Fox who feed people like you a bunch of crap you believe.
in passing: who is the duly elected president of the U.S.?
Time knows. Do you?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure why the editor made the remark he made. Biden is the president. Biden is going to his first meeting overseas. Biden is to have talks with Putin, a rival and the leader of a nation that we have sanctioned for killing Putin opponents. What then is wrong with Biden's picture on the cover of a weekly magazine.

Anonymous said...

Lying coward.

Anonymous said...

You put faith in "Time"!?!?!??
Hahahahaha hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

hey asshole: I am simply commenting on the fact of the cover of a magazine, a magazine I do not subscribe to and do not read. Your stupid sneer is typical of a poorly educated person whose "faith" is in Trump's crazed notion that the election was stolen from him! now how is that for having "faith"?

Anonymous said...

In the United States, political polarization has checked efforts to enact even modest federal climate change legislation for decades. Out of frustration, one might even say desperation, some activists have looked to the world of private investing and major corporations—yes, even oil companies—to press a climate change agenda. And those efforts have been somewhat successful. On the one hand, there are now reasonably large investment funds that, through their investment criteria, in effect take resources away from companies that have poor environmental track records and reward those who have better records. On the other hand, activists have also purchased stock in some of the major polluters and used their status as shareholders to push shareholder resolutions and fight for seats as outside members of the boards of directors. Remarkably, a third activist was just elected to the Exxon board.

This strategy should now be extended to the fight to preserve democracy in the United States. All across the United States, Republican majorities in state legislatures are pushing to restrict ballot access, and even to politicize (in their partisan favor) how disputes over the outcomes of close elections will be resolved. Distinguished political scientists see the United States as being on the verge of slipping from a flawed but real democracy to a nation where power will reside in an essentially anti-democratic (small d), even authoritarian party, regardless of what the majority of Americans think and desire. Of course, the Biden administration and the Democratic leadership in Congress are trying to enact federal legislation that would override anti-democratic legislation at the state level. But the odds of such legislation actually being enacted are slipping by the day. And if it is not enacted soon, state-level restrictions on ballot access and state-level gerrymandering could ensure Republican control of Congress as a minority party for years to come.

So far, corporations have been relatively quiet about the fact that the United States, at the hand of one of two major political parties, may be on the verge of losing its democratic system of government. It is true that Delta and Coca-Cola expressed their disappointment over Georgia’s adoption of an anti–voting rights law, and Major League Baseball went further, moving its All-Star Game out of Georgia. But there continues to be relative silence from major corporations around voting rights, even as bills restricting voting edge toward passage in dozens of states. That quiet is explicable. Big business and the Republican Party have had a long, close relationship, and the majority of CEOs probably are (or until recently, were) Republicans. More to the point, CEOs care about making money, and especially their companies’ short-term profitability and stock performance, and so it makes sense for them to try to avoid alienating Republican leaders in Mar-a-Lago, Congress, and the state legislatures.

Which is why corporations must be pushed to take a stand. Both through “democratically responsible” investment funds and shareholder activism, investors can push corporations to state loudly for all to hear which voting measures they approve and which they denounce. Investors could push for corporations to issue “democracy” impact statements, which would detail the corporations’ political contributions, relevant lobbying efforts, and other measures that affect the fight for preserving democracy in the United States. Investors might push corporations to commit not to make direct or indirect campaign contributions to any politician or state party that supports anti–voting rights legislation, or federal candidates who oppose measures that would protect democracy such as the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Admittedly, determining which investor demands on corporations would be productive in terms of the fight for democracy is not straightforward or obvious. But that is all the more reason why the effort to make those determinations needs to begin right now.

Anonymous said...

Really, hahahahaha hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

You do love censorship!

Anonymous said...

Lapides sure has trouble with the truth, especially when it comes to women. I wonder how his "trophy wife" is doing?

Anonymous said...

Fox was and is way more critical of Republicans, trump etc than any of the left propaganda/ state party outlets are for the Democrats

So far

The left, the corrupt Democrat media have

-- lied about the Wuhan virus
-- used too high PCR cycles to promote fear and push for unconstitutional mail in ballots at the last minute
-- then the same corrupt Democrats used covid rules to deny poll watchers meaningful access. There's video tapes and audio recordings about instructing them to use it as an excuse
-- then they actually stole the election, spitting in the face of democracies around the world
-- they colluded with big pharma and big tech to further take your rights and install a medical tyranny control grid using new passports
-- they use the power of private corporations to coerce the population to take the shot, directly violating the Nurnberg code paragraph 1 to 10. For this alone it's the death penalty

What are people waiting for?
They pushed terror in your streets
They terrorise your children
They indoctrinate them with vile hateful Marxist lectures, and they now give your families untested medication

It's the death penalty for them
Nothing else will suffice

They're traitors
Election thieves
Corrupt cabal

Hang them all publicly to restore order