Thursday, June 24, 2021

Top U.S. General Defends The Teaching Of Critical Race Theory At West Point


ABC News: Top general defends West Point students' studying of critical race theory 

He said students should be informed by subject matter that may be controversial. 

 Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, defended the right of West Point students to discuss race after some Republican congressmen complained that one class at the academy was recognizing critical race theory. 

During a congressional budget hearing before the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday with Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Minn., raised his concerns to the nation's top defense officials about a seminar class at the school entitled "Understanding Whiteness and White Rage."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The U.S. military has evolved over the years as an institution that prides itself on its diversity and tolerance. During this time it has also become one of the most trusted institutions in the U.S.. So why the sudden need to now teach critical race theories at places like West Point? 

More News On Gen. Mark Milley Defending The Teaching Of Critical Race Theory At West Point  

Military Leaders Fire Back at Lawmakers as Critical Race Theory Debate Erupts on Capitol Hill --  

Top U.S. General Hits Back at Right-Wing Uproar Over Racism Teachings -- Reuters  

Joint Chiefs chairman clashes with GOP on race theory, 'white rage' -- The Hill 

Milley defends U.S. military teaching of critical race theory -- Yahoo News  

Gen. Milley on critical race theory: Military needs to be "widely read" -- Axios  

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Denies Military Has Gone ‘Woke,’ Says He ‘Wants to Understand White Rage’ -- National Review


Anonymous said...

General Milley Vanilley can only lip sync. He is not a leader. He needs to be cashiered.

Worse than being a follower and not a leader, he is a coward and he is greedy. He has made book. He has retirement sewn up. Yet he persists. He is doing the wrong thing due to fear or greed.

I have seen too many service members of all ranks marry outside their race to believe that the military has a significant race problem. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

James said...

I wonder if these guys realize that for them there's no going back over the line?

Anonymous said...

General Milley now has something in common with Kim Jong Un.

When Milley gives a speech, people will clap, because they will be afraid not to clap.

Anonymous said...

Agreed,that general is not a leader, should shut up and sit down
If you are for critical race theory, you are FOR division, hatred, segregation. You must resign

Anonymous said...

See, the funny thing is every poster on this blog didn't even know critical race theory existed until a month ago. Now, they're convinced that it is some great threat to their precious bodily fluids, even though most law schools don't teach it, let alone high schools.

Y'all are dumb as rocks. Rubes, too, y'all are a bunch of rubes. I mean, you guys are really gullible and stupid.

Anonymous said...

...until a month ago...

You can find articles of this or that critical theory going back several years if not a decade. The alternative media covered it. So we knew well before a month ago.

Now dig you favorite dildo out of the toilet, where you dropped it and pacify yourself.

Anonymous said...

Critical Race Theory in the US Sociology of Immigration

First published: 01 September 2010

Anonymous said...

Critical Race Theories, Colorism, and the Decade's Research on Families of Color

First published: 18 June 2010 130

Anonymous said...

Critical Race Theory, Multicultural Education, and the
Hidden Curriculum of Hegemony

Michelle Jay

Version of record first published: 14 Jun 2010

Anonymous said...

Frankfurt School theoreticians Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, and Max Horkheimer begat critical theory.

Critical theory begat critical legal studies, which begat Critical Race Theory.

Anonymous said...

So you're a self-appointed genius?

Anonymous said...

It can date back for centuries doesn't matter, it's wrong.

Anonymous said...

white man speak with forked tongue

Anonymous said...

I claimed one thing. That many readers of alternative media knew of CRT before a month ago. I proved it.

Now go fish out your dildo, crack pipe or vape.

Anonymous said...

Milley has the same BMI and stupid ideas as this 'teacher.'

This FF is walking slow and talking, but it still leaves her out of breath. She has made herself COVID bait.

She looks to be 35 to 50. You might have sat next to this gem or one like her your freshman year and not known it. You might have thought she was cute when she was in college. But you didn't marry her. Pat yourself on the back. You dodged a bullet.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Milley can divorce his wife and pick up this younger hottie from Des Moines. They would make a matched set.

Word to the wise the viral Tik Tok video puts the teacher in her best light. The Daily Caller pictures are rather gruesome. Copious amounts beer are required to regain sanity after watching video.

Anonymous said...

perhaps you ought to do a stint in the military or do you too have doc for your foot excuse as trump did?

Anonymous said...

'Critical Race Theory' Costs a Brave Smith College Whistleblower Her Job
BY RICK MORAN FEB 20, 2021 10:38 AM ET

Here is another one from February. Conservatives read PJ Media. So yeah we knew about it. I did multiple stints in the military. Also, I might make it so relatives would not go into the military. Liberals author some of them most ridiculous ROE.

You do realize that this last February is more than a month ago? You might not, since you drool to rule.