Saturday, June 19, 2021

Tweets Of The Day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some thoughts about about ransomware.

Why is it a big deal? Sure it causes economic damage, which is obviously a bad thing. But watch the 2017 documentary "The Patent Scam". These scammers hit a loot people and when you aggregate them, it may cause as much damage as an attack against a city like Atlanta or maybe even the the Colonial Pipeline.

People pay up or cease economic activity. Ceasing economic activity slows the growth of GDP. It causes people to be poorer and cause loss of tax receipts.

Patent trolls are abuse the patent system, (executive branch) and the courts (Judiciary). That is the federal government. So when we are hit with a ransom ware attack it is no different than a feudal lord raping, robbing and pillaging, a robber baron or a patent troll. Nothing is done about patent trolls. Is ransomware attacks worse, because they may be foreigners?

Why get all hung about foreign scammers, when we do nothing about local ones?

Could foreign scammers be emboldened because we do nothing at all about local scammers?

It worse than that. WTF is congress or the Secretary of States of various states?