Friday, June 25, 2021

UK Chief of Defence Staff Admits That Miscalculation In The Recent U.K. - Russian Naval Confrontation Could Have Escalated Very Quickly

General Sir Nick Carter warns the risk of an ‘unwarranted escalation‘ involving Britain is ‘the thing that keeps me awake in bed at night‘ Credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA  

The Telegraph: ‘Miscalculation’ in Russian cat and mouse game could lead to full blown war, warns Army chief  

Standoff in Black Sea involving Royal Navy destroyer was the type of incident that risked unwarranted escalation, says Head of Armed Forces 

A “miscalculation” in the cat and mouse game with Russia could lead to full blown war, the head of the Armed Forces has warned, after a tense confrontation in the Black Sea this week. 

General Sir Nick Carter, the chief of the defence staff, said the risk of an “unwarranted escalation” involving Britain was “the thing that keeps me awake in bed at night”. 

There was a standoff between Britain and Russia when a Royal Navy destroyer passed through a contested part of the Black Sea on Wednesday. 

Russia considers the waters to be its own after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, but it is recognised by Britain as sovereign Ukrainian territory. 

HMS Defender provoked Russian forces into firing warning shots and dropping four bombs close to the ship, according to the Russian defence ministry, but this claim is disputed by Downing Street. 

Reflecting on the incident during a talk at the Chalke Valley History Festival, Sir Nick, who has pushed back his retirement to stay in post until the end of the year, said: “The thing that keeps me awake in bed at night is a miscalculation that comes from unwarranted escalation.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: General Sir Nick Carter kept awake at night by risk of war (The Times)  

Update #2: UK Chief of Defence Staff Admits Incident in Black Sea Creates Risks of 'Unwarranted Escalation' (Sputnik)  

WNU Editor: It looks like the Bristish government was not unified on this operation .... Dominic Raab 'questioned whether MoD should send British destroyer into contested Crimean waters' before dramatic confrontation with Russians in the Black Sea (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

The British PM insisted on this action

Just as he insisted on completely locking down the UK and nearly destroying the economy

Just as he cheered in the great reset

Something is very fishy here. Our leaders seem to be compromised and hell bent on war with Russia

And who benefits from this?


And who made trillions of the lab "leak"


And who brags about having compromised our leaders, including famously Joe Biden through his son's pedo action in China?


And who tells us nothing to see here and wants to distract us with wars?

Our leaders and the corporate media

We, free people around this World, need to urgently go on the offensive on all fronts and hold this criminal cabal accountable

The way they pushed drugs on us, in strong violation of the Nurnberg codes.. that alone warrants for death by public hanging

They know it. Some of us know it and they'll try to kill us all before admitting their evil deeds

From pedophelia (epstein) to selling your country out, to enriching themselves of the misery they created, from manipulating stick markets and using the media to trick you into buying or selling.. in my book these ghouls deserve death

And the more I find out about these evil, demonic creatures, the more o wonder just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Do not blindly let patriotism over some territory dispute blind and distract you. They do it all the time when they're close to being discovered.

Educate yourself
Read up on what Dr. Mullis (Nobel prize winner in medicine and inventor of the much used PCR test that was used for false positives) had to say about Fauci before he died conveniently ahead of the outbreak

The fact that the media doesn't report on this.. how the inventor of the test (mullis) that's being used globally to make people believe in this pandemic has warned us about it all and has warned us of Fauci

It's a crime against humanity of epic proportions and I really want to see every single one of them hang.

Jac said...

Sir Nick Carter could think, now, that the support of US is not "as advertised".

B.Poster said...

"....hell bent on war with Russia." Certainly looks this way. I've observed a pattern among our leadership of going out of their way to provoke Russia since at least the early 2000s and likely since the Clinton Administration. It seems many of our citizens are finally catching on.

I pray I'm wrong, I'm simply misreading something, or there's a good reason for this along with a viable plan to achieve victory. If there's a good reason for this along with a viable plan to win and they aren't telling us, this might be acceptable if our leadership was trustworthy. Unfortunately their track record strongly suggests that they not only cannot be trusted but are completely incompetent.

Anonymous said...

The bright side of war with Russia is that B Poster's internet connection will be cut. Be kind of hard to get a connection from Moscow.

B.Poster said...

I'm in the United States as I'm an American. Of course you'd know these things had you taken the time to actually read my posts. In such a war, it's highly likely everyone internet connection in the US will be cut. I know a number of cyber security experts. They strongly believe the Russians are the best in the world at this sort of thing and our people lag behind in this area. Perhaps they're all wrong. At least our leadership class is starting to move beyond simply paying tribute to the attackers.

A very good reason or reasons needs to be provided for any war and the leadership needs to be trustworthy. Thus far our leadership class fails on all fronts. Perhaps you want to step in and make their case where they've failed

A number of our citizens are catching on. Perhaps team Biden fails to grasp that Americans are now virulently anti-war. Rasmussen observes an uptick in Biden's approval. Our withdrawal from Afghanistan has had allot to do with this in my considered opinion. Trying to distract us by war with Russia, China, or both is unlikely to end well for them on any front. I see no "bright side" to a war with Russia but see many downsides.

Anonymous said...

me doth think you protest too much

Anonymous said... soon as a ship goes down, the distraction is in place
Where are the real investigative journalists on these issues? Google bankrupted most local news businesses with their Google news feed and the corporate media"s business is lying and deceit.
We need an army of private investigators and private security to keep them safe. I'm so sick of these oligarchs ruining everyone's lives with their demonic ideas.
They're possessed and they rule us because they're murderous psychotic tyrants. Just look at that pedophile ghoul Biden. No soul. Just anger and hatred and lies and corruption and treason. He's a demon. In every sense of the word. The same with Xi. Putin. All killers. All psychopaths. Murderers. Criminals. Thieves.
We need to rid humanity of these cancers. But we need evidence. Maybe Putin is alright, I don't know. He seems to be the most fun of them. Xi maybe second. But Biden. Would you leave your daughter with him? Your son? Would you trust the nation onto him?I don't think he's legitimate. The Russians like Putin. The Chinese now like Xi again. But no one likes that pedophile angry corrupt ghoul Biden.
I think we will see a counter coup soon and then a revival of the United states and the western hemisphere once he and some of the rest of these demons on the left are in prison and hung for their treasonous crimes

Maybe I'm wrong. You tell me

Anonymous said...

ok. you are wrong

B.Poster said...

I don't "know" the ultimate outcome. Typically Americans have rallied behind a "war president." That didn't work so well with the Iraq war and only worked briefly after 911. Essentially the Taliban were/are going to be a tougher adversary to put down and keep down than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan ever were or ever could have been and to complicate things further we weren't going to have Russian help as our crazed leadership class rejected that offer at the start. Perhaps I do protest much and I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Poster the Russian Lord Haw Haw. He doth protest too much.

Anonymous said...

when wearing a hat, use your head

Anonymous said...

Russia is just trying to defend its rightful homeland of crimea.