Tuesday, June 22, 2021

U.S. Air Force's THOR Microwave Weapon Instantly Ends Enemy Drone Attacks


Military.com: Air Force's THOR Microwave Weapon Instantly Ends Enemy Drone Attack in New Video 

In a frightening video scenario, dozens of enemy drones descend on an unnamed military base, taking out critical infrastructure such as runways, equipment and buildings housing U.S. troops with kamikaze-style attacks. 

The U.S. Air Force plans to thwart such a potential threat with its new counter-drone Tactical High-power Operational Responder. 

The service published a video this month showing how its THOR directed-energy system uses powerful microwaves to take out incoming drones at long range by disrupting their electronics.  

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WNU Editor: Impressive. Here is another anti-drone platform from Israel that appears to be very effective .... Israel Cites Progress in Laser That Shoots Down Drones (AP).


Anonymous said...

The video showed a simulated attack and a simulated drone defeat, not an actual occurrence, just to be clear.

Anonymous said...

Niiiiiiiice. Real nice. I can't wait to see it work.

Tasman Gleeson said...

They need a mobile one for defence of an armoured force.