Friday, June 25, 2021

U.S. Intelligence Community Releases Long-Awaited UFO Report


Daily Mail: The truth is still out there! Declassified US government report reveals Pentagon has NO explanation for 143 unidentified flying objects - but stops short of ruling out aliens 

* Declassified report released Friday was unable to offer an explanation for UFOs spotted by US military personnel 

* Documents submitted to Congress and released to public said there was insufficient data to conclude what the aircraft were 

* Investigators refused to rule out that the unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPS) - their preferred term for UFOs - may have an otherworldly origin 

* Other explanations include top secret aircraft developed by the United States, or a foreign adversary - although none of the interactions were hostile 

* Craft captured on video were able to travel with speeds and maneuverability far superior to anything known US aircraft are capable of 

* They included a tic-tac shaped UFO seen by US Navy pilots in 2004, and spherical balls filmed floating above the Pacific, before diving in, in 2019 

A newly-declassified Pentagon report on a spate of UFO sightings by members of the US military has offered no explanation for their origin - and failed to rule out the possibility of aliens. 

The report, submitted to Congress and released to the public on Friday, said defense and intelligence analysts lack sufficient data to determine the nature of mysterious flying objects. 

Those objects were observed by military pilots, with experts considering whether they are advanced earthly technologies, atmospherics or of an extraterrestrial nature.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I am one of those 70% .... Poll: 70 percent say government has more information about UFOs, UAPs than it is currently telling the public (The Hill). 

The report is here .... Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (Office Of The Director Of National Intelligence). 

More News On The U.S. Intelligence Community Releasing Its Long-Awaited UFO Report  

No ET, no answers: Intel report is inconclusive about UFOs -- AP  

UFO report: Government can't explain 143 of 144 mysterious flying objects, blames limited data -- NBC 

Government report can't explain UFOs, but offers no evidence of aliens -- Politico  

US intelligence community releases long-awaited UFO report -- CNN  

US intel report confirms more than 140 UFO sightings -- The Hill  

US Report Can't Explain UFOs, But Says They're Likely Real and Possibly a National Security Threat --  

UFO report reveals officials can't explain the mysterious sightings -- FOX News  

Pentagon UFO report: 11 'near misses' recorded, no mention of aliens -- CNET  

Few answers in unclassified UFO report -- ABC News 

‘The truth is still out there’: internet shrugs at Pentagon’s UFO findings -- The Guardian  

Why the Pentagon UFO report is deeply troubling for US security experts -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

This is the outcome I expected. A claim of we don't know and if there is more information we, the great unbathed, are not of a caliber to be informed.

My tax dollars at work.

Jac said...

Either ET are existing and they are here since a while or we are witnessing things we don't understand... which is not new.

Anonymous said...

Just a distraction
They drip feed you distractions

The largest transfer of wealth in recorded human history is taking place under the cover of a fake pandemic based on misleading PCR tests the inventor (Dr. Mullis) explicitly warned about

And under the economic hardship this theft has caused the middle class, the left conducts a coup and power grab. They're colluding with China and have so for years. They are like the Nazi party that rose to power in the aftermath of the first world war in Germany and the economic destruction this brought

OF COURSE you do a fascist power grab then. That's what the left did. They shut down your business took your money and gave it to their buddies and then make you dependent on them so you don't dare to speak out.

The penalty is death

They know it

You know it

It'll happen.

No way around it.

The crime is too big.

They'll start a war to distract you, but first they'll feed you the typical distraction...ufos... big foot.. whatever gets them a few more months until you forgot what happened

We must hang them publicly to restore order and faith in law. Their crimes are too big to just go for prison.

Anonymous said...

This just in from the recent CDC panel++++++

"It appears that the mRNA vaccines are a trigger for myocarditis"(!!!!!!)

--- Dr.Matthew Oster reporting to the CDC panel


this means that I was right that these vaccines are unsafe and that the Nurnberg codes have been violated.

go to cnn, grab these ghouls that pushed unsafe drugs on you and your children and hang them

Unknown said...

No report on the Roswell crash. Interesting as there's been disclosure on the Roswell crash since 1980 from senior officers & enlisted airmen, including a general & at least a couple of colonels. Maybe there is good reason to treat the public as mushrooms. Kept in the dark & fed on poo. Keep ducking 🙈

Anonymous said...

The aliens are pansexual and use lasers to give all the votes to dumbocrats.

I live in a modest three-bedroom house.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of these assholes and their BULLSHIT.

Anonymous said...

a selfie?

Anonymous said...


An army Lt. Col. wrote a book on the Roswell crash and recovery of a UFO and it's pilot. Photographs of same. At one time the book was available at the 29Palms, CA. library in the new book section in the early 90's. At one time the site of the wreck was marked by a roadside sign.

Anonymous said...

those who know do not talk
those who do not know post comments

Anonymous said...

Last night on Tucker, Tucker said that it looks like Roswell was actually a weather balloon. Really? are you telling me a balloon causes a "Crash site"? are you telling me a balloon leaves a debris trail of hundreds of yards? are you telling me that Rancher who found the site couldn't look at it and say it was a balloon? are you telling me the army spent all the resources they did to recover a weather balloon? It is so sad. The government and their acolytes, MSN, social media, academia, call their narratives "Authoritive facts". I just can't believe or trust anything they say.


Dave Goldstein said...

It did not crash in Roswell.
The thing crashed outside of a little town called Corona which is a LONG way to Roswell. Roswell was where the AirForce base was. (not any more)

Anonymous said...

the truth is out there and Tucker will get it for us

Anonymous said...

those who know do not talk
those who do not know post comments

You can learn a lot by talking. You just have to talk to the right people.

A better quote is:

'Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.'

“Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”
― Robert Heinlein

We've annoyed the professor a lot.

Anonymous said...

and those who can'/t teach post shit comments, filled with insults because the are unable to face a simple fact: YOU FUCKING WERE REJECTED IN THE ELECTION:: LOSER

fazman said...

They know it's not a aircraft or adversary, hence no lock on or attempted shoot down.

Anonymous said...

Fake Votes do not win an election. They enforce a totalitarian government.

Anonymous said...

Still trying to convince yourself aren't you?