Sunday, June 27, 2021

US Navy's Top Officer Says Russia's Newest Submarines Are 'On Par With Ours' And Sailing Closer To The U.S.

The Yasen and Yasen-M models of submarine are said to be both the most expensive and technically advanced in the Russian Navy.  

Business Insider: Russia's newest submarines are 'on par with ours' and sailing closer to the US, top commanders say 

* The head of US Northern Command and the Navy's top officer warned lawmakers about Russian submarines. 

* US commanders have cited Russia's increasingly capable submarines as cause for concern. 

* Those subs are also spending more time near US coasts, reflecting a growing risk to the homeland. 

The US commander responsible for North America and the Navy's top officer warned lawmakers this month about Russia's increasingly capable and active submarines, which they say are operating closer to US shores. 

Air Force Gen. Glen VanHerck and Navy Adm. Michael Gilday are the latest officials to express concern about Russia's submarine fleet, which is smaller than its Soviet predecessor but has improved considerably in recent years. 

Asked about threats "below the nuclear threshold" at a June 15 House Armed Services subcommittee hearing, VanHerck — who leads US Northern Command and NORAD — said Russia and China are "developing capabilities" below that threshold "to hold the homeland at risk." 

"Those capabilities would include very quiet submarines," VanHerck said. "Russia just fielded their second Sev-class submarine, which is on par with ours."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: So much for the media narrative that Russian subs are "loud".


Jac said...

Going back to our superiority will take decades.

Anonymous said...

no. much less time

Anonymous said...

Considering how many lies are out there, why trust any of it?
Could be, but could also be it's yet another lie by special interest groups (here the military industrial complex etc) to get more budget of which the corrupt will then get their yearly salary to buy another yacht on the middle class expense. They always take off 1%-5%in any opportunity given... pandemic, including the fake ones and the ones they cause, war, incidents, whatever it is.. until we address the single most important issue, the corrupt cooperate media and the corrupt oligarchy and politicians we might as well fly blind and burn money.

We need to address the illegitimate administration, the previous election, the draconian measures that were put in place against the constitution, the multiple other constitutional violations that mostly occur in Democrat hell holes which are so vile so infected with corruption this aline needs urgent fixing.

And it cannot wait another month. The election was stolen, the Democrats (but also some Republicans) are so corrupt and on top so incompetent that America is falling behind in every category.

Fix this and you will be rich and happy again.

Don't fix it and of course you're unhappy because you know your country doesn't exist if it's ruled by illegitimate tyrants

It cannot go on

The pedophile creep who is on record responsible for the war on drugs, the crack cocaine targeting of African Americans and all that misery that came with it with lost dads and entire generations growing up like this..HE signed the bill. It was his.. on top he molested his daughter as she wrote herself, his son is a crack addict who committed underage sex crimes in China, both have received 5mn USD loans from China

Please.. the corporate media is corrupt.. they tell you lies all day..fix this or you don't know up from down and allow such a monster such a traitor, such a weak shill to represent your country at a time when you need strength?

He's illegitimate
They talked about how to steal the election and then did it, using covid for millions of unconstitutional mail in ballots with no oversight, then harassed and denied access to poll watchers.we all saw it, the middle of night action on top when they told the watchers to go home.
It's a coup
I know it's hard to believe as the courts didn't act(while the judges received daily death threats from Antifa and BLM and Democrat activists)

He's illegitimate

The people who did this to your nation must be hung publicly. It cannot go on.

Anonymous said...

Francis, you may want to lighten up.

Anonymous said...

It all very much makes sense. Hollywood often makes up some version, real or imagined, of the world which id 30 or 40 years out of date. Why not journalists and the rest. IRL we were told not to get cocky. That Ivan was good. That the only clear superiority we had over Ivan was logistics, We had legs and Ivan did not. That it too could change.

Love those politicians raiding the defense budget like it was a piggy bank, so they an buy votes.

Anonymous said...

losers lost. get over it

Anonymous said...

Pres Trump will be back in office, legally, August 15th...lock up Biden the thief