Wednesday, June 9, 2021

US President Biden Arrives In UK On 1st Foreign Trip As President

President Joe Biden delivers remarks to U.S. Air Force personnel and their families stationed at RAF Mildenhall, ahead of the G7 Summit  

Daily Mail: 'I'll tell Mr Putin what I want him to know': US troops in the UK cheer Biden's warning to the Russian president and his tearful tribute to Beau at the start of his eight-day Europe trip 

* Joe Biden had tough talk for Vladimir Putin when he addressed US troops at RAF Mildenhall in the UK 

* 'I'm meeting with Mr. Putin to let him know what I want him to know,' Biden said to huge cheers 

* The commander-in-chief also told the crowd global warming was the 'biggest threat' to America 

* He teared up as he thanked military personnel the Royal Air Force Mildenhall for their service and mentioned his late son Beau, an Army major 

* Jill said 'Joe pay attention' as he looked around the room when she started her speech to the troops 

* President is scheduled to meet British premier Boris Johnson for face-to-face talks for first time Thursday 

* They will set up a new 'Atlantic Charter' to reaffirm the links between the US and the UK

* The pair will also look to open up a travel corridor 'as soon as possible' and restart international flights 

* Biden announced the trip is about 'realising America's renewed commitment to our allies and partners' 

* Both Bidens will meet with The Queen on Sunday at Windsor Castle 

Joe Biden had tough talk for Vladimir Putin when he addressed US troops stationed in the United Kingdom of Wednesday night. 

Speaking at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk he said: 'I'm meeting with Mr. Putin to let him know what I want him to know,' drawing cheers from the Air Force personnel. 

He also told the crowd of American troops that 'global warming' is the biggest threat to the US, teared up as he paid tribute to his late veteran son Beau and boasted that 'America is back'.  

Read more .... 

More News On President Biden's Eight-Day Europe Trip  

Biden opens overseas trip declaring ‘United States is back’ -- AP  

Biden warns Russia it faces 'robust' response for harmful actions as he begins European visit -- Reuters 

Biden to meet allies, then Putin, on first official trip abroad -- France 24  

Biden declares the ‘US is back’ and urges democracies to stand together -- The Guardian  

Biden touches down in UK on 1st foreign trip as president, including summit with Putin -- ABC News  

'Unpredictable world': What to expect from Biden's first foreign trip as president -- USA Today 

Five things to watch on Biden's first foreign trip -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Those troops were commanded to cheer
Biden isn't welcome in the UK

Anonymous said...

We need Biden to "open up a travel corridor?"

He was one of the turkeys, who closed down thousands or tens of thousands of air corridors world wide. They are going to do a crappy patch job to what they destroyed? How considerate of them.

In the local area another 20 year old died. OMG! We are doomed! DOOMED I tell you! That makes two twenty year olds in 14 months or one twenty year old every 7 months. The last twenty year old to die had a life expectancy in their 30s. They had 3 or 4 surgeries before age 17. As purposefully patchy as reporting is, it is unknown of the latest twenty year old had pre-existing conditions.

It is a weak ass virus. It kills elderly and of those mainly ones that have serious health issues already.

People worry about suitcase nukes, because they would be hard to find. What about suitcase delivered engineered strain of the month until China or someone gets world economies just where they want them? What if the CCP is doing a series of 12 Monkeys, slowly ratcheting up the deadliness of the virus?

It could work. Politicos will blame natural mutation and do not want to let a crisis to waste. So they lock down their populations and their economies. It gives them power. They would rather blame natural mutation than to blame anything else much as they will always excuse someone screaming Allahu Akbar killing people in mental illness instead of Islam.

If they are that gutless, why would you expect them to stand up to a Grey War until their back is against the wall or it is too late.

Study the Battle of Visby. The upper class would rather see the commoners get slaughtered with their back up against the wall, the town wall, than confront an invader (of which they had a better than even chance). The invader BTW lost the war. Human nature has not changed. Many in the political class will fight to the last spec ops, the last cop, etc rather than be brave or share power.

Anonymous said...

America is back and Europe delighted Trump is done for

Anonymous said...

fuck trump !!!