Tuesday, June 15, 2021

U.S., Russian Leaders And Their 'Nuclear Suitcases'

Acting Russian President Vladimir Putin receives the nuclear briefcases (lower right) in the Kremlin late on December 31, 1999.  

RFE: Packed For The Apocalypse: U.S., Russian Leaders And Their 'Nuclear Suitcases' 

A historical look at the "nuclear suitcases" that accompany the Russian and U.S. leaders wherever they go, including this week when Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin are in Geneva for a summit. 

This leather satchel is known as the United States' "nuclear football." 

And these hardcase containers carried by Russian servicemen are known as the "Cheget" system. The nuclear briefcases are named after a mountain in Russia's Caucasus region. 

Both countries' doomsday devices will be somewhere close at hand when U.S. President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, meet in Geneva on June 16. 

The frightening hand luggage enables its owner to destroy much of civilization by ordering nuclear missile strikes from anywhere on Earth.  

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WNU Editor: It is moments like this that I wonder if other world leaders with nuclear weapons have a person in the background carrying a nuclear briefcase. Time to do some research for a future post.


Adam said...

Very interesting, I always wonder about this stuff. Also, WNU I had the same thought about other nuclear armed nations.

Dave Goldstein said...

Why does the Russian suitcases look like something from the 60's? Samsonite attache case

Anonymous said...

Someone has not designed an attache case. Part of the design depends on budget and what national factories can provide. You should see the designs of NIH's compadres. Scary actually.