Wednesday, June 23, 2021

U.S. Warship Makes Sixth Taiwan Strait Transit During Biden Administration


CNBC/Reuters: China condemns latest U.S. warship transit of Taiwan Strait 

* China condemned the United States on Wednesday as the region’s greatest security “risk creator” after a U.S. warship again sailed through the sensitive waterway that separates Taiwan from China. 

* The U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet said the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur conducted a “routine Taiwan Strait transit” on Tuesday in accordance with international law. 

* Taiwan’s Defence Ministry said the ship had sailed in a northerly direction through the strait and the “situation was as normal.” 

China condemned the United States on Wednesday as the region’s greatest security “risk creator” after a U.S. warship again sailed through the sensitive waterway that separates Taiwan from China. 

The U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet said the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur conducted a “routine Taiwan Strait transit” on Tuesday in accordance with international law. 

“The ship’s transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the U.S. commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific.” 

The People’s Liberation Army’s Eastern Theatre Command said their forces monitored the vessel throughout its passage and warned it.  

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More News On A U.S. Warship Making A Sixth Taiwan Strait Transit During The Biden Administration  

Destroyer Makes Sixth Taiwan Strait Transit During Biden Administration -- USNI News 

US warship transits Taiwan Strait a week after China's biggest air incursion into island's defence zone -- ABC News (Australia)  

USS Curtis Wilbur transits Taiwan Strait -- UPI 

China condemns US as warship transits Taiwan Strait again -- Al Jazeera  

Beijing Decries US Warship's Passage Via Taiwan Strait as Threat to Regional Peace -- Sputnik  

Beijing brands US greatest ‘security risk creator’ in region after US warship enters Taiwan Strait -- RT  

PLA on alert during US warship’s latest Taiwan Straits provocation -- Global Times (China)


David said...

they should just round Robbin about 6 ships constantly, so every Day a ship goes through the strait

Anonymous said...

Provocation getting old.

Anonymous said...

What is getting old is 140 pulling his head from his ass every day and spewing.

The Straights are an international waterway. They only way to get to the ports of Taiwan is to use The Straight. Taiwan is a free country and the US and many other countries have business there.

The next step on Chin ese provocation after stopping warships form transiting would be to harass merchant ships until they stop using the straights.

Now 140 go back to eating your brown sausage. We'll hear from you tomorrow, when you head pops out of your ass again.

Unknown said...

Chinese military won't attack cus hell will b open and people will all die with nuclear fireworks

Unknown said...

Chinese military have no spirit

Unknown said...

No faith

Unknown said...

Afraid 2 die

Unknown said...

Go to hell

Anonymous said...

Did Bill Clinton Just Admit Why He Bombed the Chinese Embassy

So when will China make an issue of it again?

Bill Clinton was terrible president. He is the bottom three of being the worst.

Anonymous said...

stupid piece of shit
Trump is worst ever
full loser

Anonymous said...

Why did that fat fucker Bill not authorize the bombing of the down F117?

Because he wanted to gift it to the Russians?

A sad shake of Li’s head. “During those NATO bombing attacks to convince the Serbs to stop massacring their Muslim neighbors, the Serbs shot down one of the American stealth aircraft, their F-117 Nighthawk. The Serbs gathered up all the wreckage they could and made a deal.”

“A deal?” Jiang asks.

“Yes, a deal,” his boss says. “NATO was bombing the shit out of the Serbs’ military communications systems. And the Serbs offered us the F-117 wreckage—giving us about a five-year advance in stealth technology—if we would allow them to transmit military orders and information from our embassy basement. We were never sure whether NATO tracked down the source of those transmissions, but the American bombing destroyed that Serb military facility in our embassy. They said it was a mistake, and we pretended to believe them. We lost three of our dear comrades, including your father, but we gained so very much in stolen American technology.”

And Bill was a fat fucker

"Just how much did President Bill Clinton eat while he was in office?

Roland Mesnier, the former White House pastry chef from the Carter Administration through George W. Bush, said he was astonished at Clinton's big appetite, calling it "scary."

“He could eat five or six pork chops,” Mesnier said, speaking at the annual Washington Winter Show, adding that the White House kitchen staff “had to be ready.”

Clinton, 65, who after leaving office famously became a vegan, had a quadruple bypass in 2004. But his reputation as an unhealthy eater was sealed in 1992, when as a new presidential candidate he took reporters on jogs to McDonald's. Those habits continued while in office, and he was known for his penchant for high calorie snacks, sweets and burgers."

Anonymous said...

The burger genius is here. How's it feel to be losing? Come on let's have a snappy comeback.

Anonymous said...

Clinton, Bush, Obama, et al are more highly regarded by presidential historians and political scholars than one-term hamburg munching overweight orange guy, your boss. Doubtless, you think he won this last election and should be in the White House rather than waiting indictment in NY State
suck it up, loser

Anonymous said...

That's your snappy comeback?

Anonymous said...

Taiwan wake up and smell the coffee. The US will dump you once your usefulness runs out. Just look at Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

appeal to authority? yes. one hundred professionals with advanced degrees and many books published. And you think Trump the greatest based on? what has or had he done? tired of winning. give you a health plan, fix infrastructure and take care of the virus; You dumb piece of shit. Trump lost. That is how Americans judged him. And you. Losers. Now that is a fact, like it or not Loser

Anonymous said...

"one hundred professionals with advanced degrees and many books published" Lapides you're overwrought, but as you yourself have stated, we should listen to our "betters" such as you. This academia stuff has really gone to your head!

Anonymous said...

Now that we use the area as per international treaties for military patrols, how about a hundred or so fishing trawlers. The tuna convoy.

Anonymous said...

The Biden family use Ukraine like a roll of toilet paper. The Bidens got much richer. Ukraine? Oh well, the Bidens got theirs!