Friday, June 25, 2021

Was The Tracking Data Of Two NATO Warships Faked Off The Coast Of A Russian Naval Base In The Black Sea?

USNI News Illustration  

USNI News: Positions of Two NATO Ships Were Falsified Near Russian Black Sea Naval Base 

The tracking data of two NATO warships was faked off the coast of a Russian controlled naval base in the Black Sea while the actual ships were moored 180 miles away, USNI News has learned. 

The U.K. Royal Navy’s HMS Defender, a Type-45 Daring-class destroyer, and the Royal Netherlands Navy’s HNLMS Evertsen, a De Zeven ProvinciĆ«n-class frigate, pulled into Odessa in Ukraine on June 18. The group had been monitored by Russian warships while exercising in the Black Sea, according to U.S. Navy photos dated on June 17. 

According to an automatic identification system (AIS) signal, which transmits position details to improve maritime safety, the pair left Odessa just before midnight on June 18. The data shows that they sailed directly to Sevastopol, approaching to within two nautical miles of the harbor entrance. The strategic port houses the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea fleet.  

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WNU Editor: It looks like the Russian military does not rely on the automatic identification system (AIS) to track naval warships. Because if they did, the presence of NATO destroyers 2 or 3 kilometers away from the entrance of a major Russian naval base would have resulted in a massive military response. 

But the big question remains unanswered. Why was the tracking data so off? Was it done deliberately, or is there something wrong with the platform?


Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between 2 or 3 kilometers and going inside a 12 mile limit.

If the Allied ships got within 2 or 3 kilometers of a major base, I understand the Russian threats about bombing. Do not agree with it, but I understand the visceral reaction.

Did the the Brits and Americans come within 1.2 to 1.86 miles of a major base?

I find it strange. Looks like to me that people want a war. So much so that I have to go back and review what the embed said and saw.


2) Gulf of Tonkin (I believe the North Vietnamese were at fault).

Maybe we need a war. I don't think every war should start with Pericles like subterfuge.

Why cancel lethal aid to Ukraine and then turn around and whack the Russian Bear? With the former you can hold the line in Donbas, hold the status quo. With the latter we will get a series of provocations and counter provocation. War is fine, but these people are on the opposite side of the bell curve from where they think they are.

Anonymous said...

The people who made trillions of the fake pandemic, a group of oligarchs around the world, want to also depopulate the planet. And they BEG for a war so the people get once again distracted from their countless crimes against humanity

Do not ignore this fact

I know it's hard to believe, but take bill gates for example.

Suspected pedophile with ties to Epstein and suddenly this monsters with a decade long track record of human rights violations(he's banned in multiple African nations for vaccine experiments gone wrong over there, with thousands of deaths including children).. that monster and pedophile (his wife wanted to divorce him overt his Epstein visits) who made his fortunes through theft of the DOS system and with initial backing through shady entities.. that monster of a human wants to be in charge of global vaccinations now

And he talked about depopulating the earth on many occasions. And get this: he suggested using vaccines for this and now it's happening

This monster who openly talked about depopulating the Earth - and with ties to the Davos group which talks about the great reset and basically modern slavery for all of us (you will own nothing), and which suggests the planet should not have more than 500mn people at most... is up to something...

Do not support any war or conflict that distracts from this multi trillion dollar wealth transfer and crimes against humanity

We are close to breaking the tie.. millions are waking up from the trance and the lies the left media has been dishing out for years..

The crimes are so large, from corruption to treason to crimes against humanity, to fraud to pedophelia AND THEY KNOW that we are waking up to this.. so obviously they'll want to get rid of us and do not underestimate them

We are being distracted. The closer we get, and we are close, the more they need a war or something to distract us again.. don't let it happen

Anonymous said...

So if the AIZ was faked, which state actor did it and why? If it was not a state actor, it is terrible too.

Jac said...

There is a bunch of mysteries and that is not smelling good.

Anonymous said...

These people don't want a war, they want an "incident" that they think they can manage!

B.Poster said...

I think you're right. The problem is they can't "manage" it. They're to incompetent and the people they're needlessly provoking don't play by their rules. They should've studied Sun Tzu. Unfortunately these imbeciles neither understand themselves nor the people they've gone out of their way to make enemies of.

Anonymous said...

They're to incompetent

Like the poster of the above comment?

Anonymous said...

no. like you

Anonymous said...

like me no like you like you no like me like me no like you and so on

Anonymous said...

GPS made in China