Tuesday, June 22, 2021

White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci Says The Highly Contagious Delta Variant Is The “Greatest Threat” To Eliminate Covid-19


CNBC: Fauci declares delta variant ‘greatest threat’ to the nation’s efforts to eliminate Covid 

 * White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday the highly contagious delta variant is the “greatest threat” to the nation’s attempt to eliminate Covid-19. 

* Delta, first identified in India, now makes up about 20% of all new cases in the United States, up from 10% about two weeks ago, Fauci said. 

White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday the highly contagious delta variant is the “greatest threat” to the nation’s attempt to eliminate Covid-19. 

Delta, first identified in India, now makes up about 20% of all new cases in the United States, up from 10% about two weeks ago, Fauci said during a White House news conference on the pandemic. 

He said delta appears to be “following the same pattern” as alpha, the variant first found in the U.K., with infections doubling in the U.S. about every two weeks. 

“Similar to the situation in the U.K., the delta variant is currently the greatest threat in the U.S. to our attempt to eliminate Covid-19,” he said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This variant is spreading throughout the U.S. .... Delta Covid-19 Variant Could Be Dominant in U.S. in Two to Three Weeks, Study Says (WSJ). 

More News On Dr. Anthony Fauci Saying The Highly Contagious Delta Variant Is The “Greatest Threat” To Eliminate Covid-19  

Fauci warns of 'localized surges' in areas with low vaccination rates -- The Hill  

Delta Variant of Coronavirus Seen Spreading in Undervaccinated US Counties -- Bloomberg  

More infectious variant now makes up 20% of coronavirus samples tested, Fauci says -- CNN  

Highly contagious Delta variant​ could cause next COVID-19 wave: "This virus will still find you" -- CBS  

What the Delta variant could mean for Covid-19 in the United States -- Michael Nedelman and Nadia Kounang, CNN


Anonymous said...

I'm a white man. A gay white man.

The satellites made me gay.

Jac said...

Fôci try to rehabilitate himself...poorly because everybody know that.

Anonymous said...

The greatest threat to US public health are politicized US health scientists and businesses. Fauci is not only politicized but he is financially dirty due to close ties to people doing gain of function contract work with the Wuhan institution and many other CCP operated labs.

Dirty and politicized, that’s Fauci and hundreds of others associated with him.

Anonymous said...

takes one to know one

Anonymous said...

The greatest threat to life and civilisation is letting demons like Fauci kill scores of people, enrich themselves and their buddies, and let them get away with it

We, free people, need tu publicly go on the offensive and discuss the penalty for this scum and any corrupt court that gets in between. If law and order is meant to prevail, it requires the blood of traitors and corrupt. Fauci,Pelosi,Schiff,Waters,Biden... prison is too good for these ghouls.
Let's be free again. Free ourselves of them AND, importantly, those who control them.
Then we are free. Truly free. Until then we are ackers and slaves playing along in a game they not only control but constantly change the rules when they're caught.
We need to eradicate this cancer on humanity.
In west, east, north and south.
No safe haven for traitors to humanity.

Unknown said...

Start the big war now

Unknown said...

Death is glory 4 some but just a hand full will see God

Unknown said...

Repent fools repent now