Friday, June 18, 2021

White House Freezes Ukraine Military Package

© AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky 

 Politico: White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons 

Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then pulled the plug as the Biden-Putin summit approached. 

The Biden White House has temporarily halted a military aid package to Ukraine that would include lethal weapons, a plan originally made in response to aggressive Russian troop movements along Ukraine’s border this spring. 

The aid package would be worth up to $100 million, according to four people familiar with internal deliberations.  

Read more ....  

Update: White House Reportedly Freezes $100 Mln Military Package to Ukraine (Sputnik).  

WNU Editor: Another reason why Russian President Putin was all smiles when he left Geneva after his meeting with President Putin.


B.Poster said...

So it appears the "Summit" was successful after all in some ways. We never should've allied with the Ukrainian chumps to start with. Regardless who POTUS is, if the "alliance" with Ukraine FINALLY ends, this is good.

Team Biden wants a war with China. Russia is allied with China. Obviously America and team Biden are going to need allies to confront a major world power of China's caliber. A Chinese "defector" suddenly appears. This seems to good to be true!!

Ideological blind and stupid members of the US leadership class are likely to fall for this hook, line, and sinker. At a minimum, testimony from a "defector" needs to be corroborated by additional sources before we act.

Stephen Davenport said...

Ukraine is the victim here Poster NOT the Russians. You need to understand this before we are fucked by Biden.

Anonymous said...

Putin has a pee tape, which he will release, if the Biden Crime Syndicate does not comply.

Trump was cordial to Putin, but tough on Russia.

Joe would part his cheeks, if asked by Putin.

Close XL pipeline. Greenlight Nordstream pipeline. Cancel defensive aid to Ukraine. Keep pocketing money from China and Russia.

fazman said...

Exactly, a weakness u.s president setting yet another ass kissing dangerous precedent.

B.Poster said...

Anon (5:01),

The first part of your post is likely true. Biden and his team know this. As such, they are going to get tough preemptively against China or this is their thought. I predicted such a possibility right before Biden assumed office.

Trump was indeed VERY TOUGH on Russia. He is married to a woman of eastern European descent whom he loves deeply. This made him easy to manipulate. Without a good hand there wasn't much he could do but he tried at the expense of our interests.

Biden and Democrats are many things mostly bad. They do NOT spread their cheeks for ANYONE. They are often driven by ideology which makes them easy to manipulate.

Closing XL was a terrible idea. Greenlighting Nordstream implies he could prevent it. He couldn't. The Europeans made their position clear. One can bang their head against a brick wall. It's not moving though and one will end up with a major headache!!

B.Poster said...


Ukraine as the "victim" offered a contact to Hunter Biden for upwards of 50K a month to sell us out. Many reports indicate that Mitt Romney associates have similar deals. How many other top US officials have been compromised in a similar fashion?

What does Akex Vindnan think of this change? Is he trembling? Perhaps if that treasonous anti-American snake reaps the foul seed he's down this would be a good thing. Oh wait!! He's Ukrainian!! We shouldn't be surprised.


You're Aussie. The heads of your loved ones aren't on the chopping block as a result of stupid American foreign policies. Please enjoy the natural beauty your country is blessed with and kindly STAY OUT of bleacher commentary regarding our foreign policy.

B.Poster said...

The main goal of our foreign policy should be to end Cold War 2. If Putin was indeed "all smiles," this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Having powerful world leaders smile upon you would generally be considered a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Hunter is having a crack party tonight.

Anonymous said...

So the Marxist left delivers for Russia and China, while bankruppting America

Big surprise

Jac said...

Who is the buddy of Putin, Trump or Biden?

B.Poster said...

Who is the buddy of Putin? I'd say definitely not Trump.
He's even more anti-Russian than Ronald Reagan was. If Joe Biden and his team can end Cold War 2, awesome!! GET IT DONE!!

Anonymous said...

B Poster the foreign shill going on 8 years. Paid by the barrel of ink.

Anonymous said...

Another failed US backed color revolution.

fazman said...

That's ridiculous, check you're history and see that we ate the first and sometimes the only ones backing the United States in war.
Stop overestimating foreign militaries and imaginary casualties with impossible strikes on us soil.
Time and time again iran has been shown to be impotent, their centrifuges get blown to shit, ex mossad head practically owns up to it ,yet once again they do zero because they know they can't.

Jon said...

Haha that’s gold

B.Poster said...

"Foreign shill?" You need to provide evidence for such accusations/slander. I've made it easy for you to contact me many times. You haven't made the effort. I'm not Foreign. As for "shill" I stand for what I firmly believe to be in America's best interest.