Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Will President Biden's Son's Recently Revealed Racist Texts Hurt Him Politically?

The texts may prove embarrassing to the president, who has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration 

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden addressed his white lawyer as 'n***a' multiple times, used phrases like 'true dat n***a' and bantered 'I only love you because you're black,' in shocking texts unearthed days after Joe's emotional Tulsa speech decrying racism 

* Text messages obtained by reveal Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in banter with his lawyer 

* The president's son, 51, flippantly addressed corporate attorney George Mesires, who is white, by the racial slur, with phrases including 'true dat n***a' 

 * In a December 2018 conversation, Hunter asked Mesires: 'How much money do I owe you. Because (sic) n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.' 

* In another chat a month later, Hunter cracked jokes about his penis and then told Mesires 'I only love you because you're black' 

 * 'It's so annoying when you interject with frivolity,' the Chicago lawyer replied 

 * The damning texts have emerged just days after his father, President Joe Biden gave a speech decrying racism on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre 

* Biden has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration * Hunter also saved a meme with a photo of his father hugging Barack Obama with a caption describing a joke conversation 

* 'Obama: Gonna miss you, man Joe: Can I say it? Just this once? Obama: *sigh* go ahead Joe: You my n***a, Barack' 

Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in conversation with his white, $845-per-hour lawyer, his texts messages reveal. 

The shocking texts may prove embarrassing for his father President Joe Biden, who just last week gave a speech decrying racism on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre, and has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration. 

The president's son joked in a January 2019 text to corporate attorney George Mesires about a 'big penis', and said to the lawyer: 'I only love you because you're black' and 'true dat n***a'.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I do not think there is any debate that Hunter Biden is a terrible human being. And I do not think these horrible text messages will politically harm his father. But what irks me is how the mainstream media has totally ignored this story. If former President Trump's sons were texting like this, it would be news 24/7 from now till eternity. 

More News On Hunter Biden's Racist Texts  

Hunter Biden repeatedly called his white lawyer the N-word, texts show -- NYPost  

Hunter Biden used N-word in banter with white lawyer: Report -- Washington Examiner  

TEXT SHAME Hunter Biden ‘called his white lawyer the N-word and said “I only love you because you’re black”‘ in shocking texts -- The SUN  

Hunter Biden used N-word in messages with his lawyer, even SEXTED him by accident – media -- RT  

Shocking Text Messages Reportedly Show Hunter Biden Repeatedly Using The ‘N-Word’ -- Rusty Weiss, Political Insider


Anonymous said...

Parental input into character formation is 50% give or take 16%. Joe Biden is 1 for 3. Is he not 0 for 3, because we do not know much about Beau and beau is safely dead? If a parent is 1 for 2 or 1 for 3 it is toss up on their parental fitness without knowing other things. We do know other things like Joe stole another man's wife.

Anonymous said...

"Yet the fact of the matter remains that only disgusting people talk like that, flaming racists, for starters. It's also done by spoiled, rich, entitled lordlings and princelings.

The last white person I can recall who did that was hotel heiress and party gal Paris Hilton, circa 2007, between one of her jailings for dissolute behavior. She, however, had to abjectly apologize.

In Hunter's case, with his history of drinking, drugs, and wenching, no apologies seem forthcoming."

In the last 2 or 3 years you no longer get to apologize. The Left cancels you. Except if your name is Biden.

It is all about power. Legacy and social media know how they fit into the Democrat power structure as the Ministry of Truth.

Anonymous said...

The media is not doing its job, ie provide checks and balances by informing the public. They'r completely misleading you and making a mockery of the US. It's so bad that I once considered moving there and would now rule it out completely. Ivy league degrees, business owner.. if you lose more and more like me, it's basically brain drain. No one wants to live in a banana republic where the law is applied unjustly. That's my perception of the USA of today. The radical left is running amok throughout your institutions. The Marxist BLM flag was flown over all your embassies the other day. There's billions of damages and burnings and killings by the left, Antifa and BLM terrorists in your streets. And the complicit media calls it a summer of love. You've blatant racism and discrimination against white people. Your culture has been hijacked with collective guilt, Marxist and occult dogmatic, terrorism promoting ideologies.

You gotta burn out that cancer or it'll get worse. Trump was right. Ban critical race theory. Sue those who promoted this vile hatred. Imprison those who committed rampant election fraud. No one in the EU(in from England) believes the Democrats won and our media dishes out the same lies. Also owned by multinationals with loyalty to none.
They're liars.
They're marxists.
They use terror and deception.
Get rid of them.
Fire them.
Sue them.
Imprison them.
Meet them in the streets.

They're wimps hiding in shadows.