Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Afghan Troops Are Filmed Shaking Hands And Surrendering To The Taliban. US General Overseeing NATO Exit Is Shocked By How Quickly They've Given Up


Daily Mail: Afghan troops are filmed laying down arms as US general overseeing NATO exit says he's shocked by how quickly they've surrendered to the Taliban and 1,000 are caught fleeing the country 

* The Afghan army is collapsing across the country, with videos posted by the Taliban showing troops laying down their US-made weapons and handing over the keys to their Humvee armoured cars 

* The US left Bagram Airfield last week - its fortress in the country for nearly 20 years - by slipping away in the night without telling the base's new Afghan commander who discovered they had gone the next morning 

* However, General Austin Scott Miller, commander of US and Nato troops in Afghanistan, said he was shocked by how quickly the Afghan National Army had surrendered to the resurgent jihadists 

* 'I don't like leaving friends in need,' he told ABC on Monday. 'We should be concerned. The loss of terrain and the rapidity of that loss of terrain has to be concerning. You look at the security situation, it's not good' 

* More than a thousand Afghan National Army soldiers fled into Tajikistan from the northern province of Badkhshan following clashes with the resurgent jihadists on Sunday 

* Tajikistan said that the Afghans were allowed to enter on the principle of 'good neighbourliness' but called up 20,000 reservists to bolster its border guard and prevent further flooding of the frontier 

Afghan troops have been filmed laying down their arms to the Taliban as the terror group shows off the American-made weapons it has seized after US and Nato troops beat a hasty retreat. 

The Afghan army is collapsing across the country and the Taliban appear to be winning the propaganda war with videos to prove that they will welcome surrendering soldiers - as long as they hand over their state-of-the-art weapons and Humvee armoured cars. 

The US left Bagram Airfield last week - its fortress in the country for nearly 20 years - by slipping away in the night without telling the base's new Afghan commander who discovered they had gone the next morning.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I have seen a few different videos of Afghan soldiers surrendering to the Taliban (like the one above). I cannot verify the accuracy of these videos, and the the numbers of heavily armed Afghan soldiers surrendering appear to be only a few here and there. But the psychological and morale impact is huge. Bottom line. The Taliban are effectively using these videos to project the impression that the Afghan army is surrendering en masse.


Anonymous said...

Pathetic. Shame on us all.

Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side, anon 10:32...the troops weren't forced to leave waving lbqtxz whatever flags and rainbow uniforms.

Anonymous said...

Received one of the government all expenses paid trips over there early in the war. Completely expected behavior. They know their central government is criminally incompetent. It’s about survival. We should have left the day after we killed UBL.